dad of autistic son

Hi im a struggling parent to a not yet fully diagnosed autistic son, im finding it very hard to undersatnd and cope, outbursts and shouting . pains me seeing him this way

  • Hey would you be able to share more details about  what specific areas your son is struggling? To what degree does his autism impact hum, is he high bit low functioning?

    I have a high functioning autistic son. The things I find help him are:

    Routine - keep things predictable, this will help reduce anxiety and uncertainty. Use a visual timetable if this helps.

    Forewarning - if there is a change to plan or say the TV needs to go off or its time for bed. Give a warning that this is going to happen 10 mins ahead of time. Then 5 then 1 minute. There may be less of a reaction when it occurs as they have had time to process what is going to happen.

    Understand his rituals - if he has rituals and certain ways of doing things. Try to indulge th as it will make him feel more at ease. For my son this is something like performing bedtime tasks in a specific order and not letting different foods in his plate touch

    Consistency rules and boundaries - this will depend on the child. But the rules of the house should be clear and apple consistently. It is confusing especially for autistic children if rules are unclear or inconsistently applied.

    Time out - if my son has a meltdown I escort him to his bedroom and tell him this is not a punishment but time for him to calm down. I say when he is calm and feels ready he can come back downstairs. I give him his teddy's that he will cuddle (on a rare ocassion throw). After he comes down on his own accord and we have a cuddle. I felt harsh at first but trying to talk or cuddle him and reason always made it worse. This works for us.

    Love and praise - make sure he knows you love him and give him praise for everything goof he does no matter how small. Again this will depend on the child I've met some parents where the children hate praise 

    There's a lot of resources out there to read if you Google and groups that may be able to help you.

  • Hey would you be able to share more details about  what specific areas your son is struggling? To what degree does his autism impact hum, is he high bit low functioning?

    I have a high functioning autistic son. The things I find help him are:

    Routine - keep things predictable, this will help reduce anxiety and uncertainty. Use a visual timetable if this helps.

    Forewarning - if there is a change to plan or say the TV needs to go off or its time for bed. Give a warning that this is going to happen 10 mins ahead of time. Then 5 then 1 minute. There may be less of a reaction when it occurs as they have had time to process what is going to happen.

    Understand his rituals - if he has rituals and certain ways of doing things. Try to indulge th as it will make him feel more at ease. For my son this is something like performing bedtime tasks in a specific order and not letting different foods in his plate touch

    Consistency rules and boundaries - this will depend on the child. But the rules of the house should be clear and apple consistently. It is confusing especially for autistic children if rules are unclear or inconsistently applied.

    Time out - if my son has a meltdown I escort him to his bedroom and tell him this is not a punishment but time for him to calm down. I say when he is calm and feels ready he can come back downstairs. I give him his teddy's that he will cuddle (on a rare ocassion throw). After he comes down on his own accord and we have a cuddle. I felt harsh at first but trying to talk or cuddle him and reason always made it worse. This works for us.

    Love and praise - make sure he knows you love him and give him praise for everything goof he does no matter how small. Again this will depend on the child I've met some parents where the children hate praise 

    There's a lot of resources out there to read if you Google and groups that may be able to help you.

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