Older women on the forum? Your early years?

Older women on the forum? Your early years? Mine are in my profile. Share?

  • I like 3D Mahjong, myself, and Go and Gomoku.

  • Hi Pixiefox

    I'm mostly fixated on Minecraft but I bought Assassin's Creed Mirage a few days ago. I'm not very good at the hand to hand combat bits but I enjoy the stealth bits. I've played all the assassins creed games. I think black flag was my favourite and Valhalla was my least favourite. It makes me smile when young people are surprised to see a 63 year old nana playing these games. They think video games are a young persons thing. Oddly enough I was young once! I just never grew out of gaming :) 


  • Hi Inula

    I'm 60+ and also enjoy playing video games. My favourites are Sims 4, Fallout 4, Assassins creed Valhalla, Origins & Odyssey, and Hogwarts Legacy. 

  • Hi Uhane, I'm in my early sixties and had no idea I was on the spectrum until my mid fifties. Thank you for sharing your experiences in your profile.

    As a child I lived in my own world a lot. Had an imaginary friend pre-school. Once I learned to read I escaped into fiction as much as possible. Was described as a "daydreamer" during primary school years and a quiet student who hardly spoke in class when I was in secondary school. Hated school and did not reach my potential - have learned more and gained more qualifications since leaving school, mostly distance learning.

    I loved to draw, colour, sing, and build with Lego as a child, and was sent to ballroom dancing classes which I enjoyed and which I think helped my co-ordination, as I've always been a bit clumsy. I collected dolls and model horses, but dont remember playing with them much. I taught myself to play rhythm guitar when I was 11. I was also interested in animals and nature. I didn't have many friends and wasn't usually invited to parties, and on the couple of times I did get party invitations when I was at school, I became too sick with worry to attend.

    I met my husband when I was 16 and we are still together. During my adult life my interests have included music, reading, sci-fi, art & design, fashion, social sciences and nutrition & health. I'm now interested in the differences between Autistic and Neurotypical minds, still love to read, and enjoy playing video games on my Xbox.

  • We GO us pirate sirens! 

  • "A dismal and rebellious disappointment" - I love that! 

  • You can use any name that you like - so it might be to do with your interests, or a part of the world you love, or the name of a book or film character... anything at all!  Re my 'name' - VikingMermaid - it's a combination of my ancestry and my love of wild swimming :)

    Hope you find the confidence to choose some sort of handle (code name) in due course, but only when it's right for you.

  • HI. Perhaps it's time to start one! If you are full time perhaps something that can wedge in between your schedule easily?

  • thanks for chipping into the game! I have little time at the moment but will be back later in the day or Firday..

  • I am 59 years old & I live in Cumbria.

    I was diagnosed as autistic 9 years ago and ADHD about 7 years ago, and it has been a roller coaster journey ever since to be honest.

    My main issue is that I am currently working full-time but based at home.  This started in 2020 as a Covid response but now it is apparently the new 'normal'.  I have very little human interaction on a daily basis, apart from my hubby who works from home 3 days a week.

    I have tried to find local social groups but most seem to be for 'young adults' perhaps up to the age of maybe 30.  I feel I would have little in common with that age group and crave peer contact.  It is now getting to the stage when I get severe anxiety spikes when I try and do something outside of the house on my own.

    Is there scope to find a way to create a specific list of social groups who encourage participation from older autistic women?  

  • I am in the doldrums at the moment, for the Charity in my area, has2 groups which only goes up to 60+. The other group which we have really is only for menopausal women. What are these women going to do  when they reach 60+, and  are ready to go through Retirement ,even though I  know that this is a red herring for a lot of people(myself included).

  • Hi. I am Angie, 43. On the way to find out if I am ASD (well, I know I am somehow, or I wish I am so I can understand so many troubles I've had with people). 

    I have been thinking a lot about what I was when little:

    -Hyperactive, would run, jump, get into any tree I would see... and so on.

    -Hyperfocused on books. Loved to read about other parts of the world in short stories.

    -Issues with eating: I just would not eat and my parents would have a lot of worries. A bit latter, was super picky on food. 

    I feel it is a great question, Uhane, I thank you for that.

  • a number it is then and welcome home.

  • Sorry I seem less human! Haha, I don't mind what people choose as long as I can tell them apart. As long as it's not offensive obviously.

  • Not offended at all, we all start that way! I just wanted to point out that the site requires not being identifiable in the outside world if and when you do choose to stop being a number.

  • I am sorry if I have offended you with using a number, instead of a name.I will change to a name when I feel more comfortable.

  • No worries. you are cherished and welcome here. A name will help you to be more readily recognized when peeps are scanning for familiar "faces" in a thread. Your name here is your "face". Pattern recognition.

  • I hope that I have not offended you in any way,but it is just , for the moment, I feel more comfortable , using anumber , instead of a name. in time I will change to a name,when I know you all better.

  • thsi is a fine essay. thank you. I see myself there and that is a balm.