Are you all supremely confident that you're intelligent

Or are you like me? Expecting at any moment to be outed as an intellectual fraud. It's an area of high,possibly pathological,insecurity for me. I think it connects to the bullying related trauma. Being treated as a lesser person by my school age contemporaries, especially as a teenager.

  • Laughing me too. Maybe we should set up our own club - the Sub-Genii (yes, I know the plural is geniuses)

  • OOO... Nasty!!

    Too bright to please the thickeys, not bright enough to score the big paychecks.

    A potential member of the church of sub Genius. Fnord. 

    Welcome brother.

  • The best mixed test (all types of question)score I've ever managed to fluke is 99.9455830880% .  SD15.  If anyone here was to spend a day or two with me  they'd see how certifiably inept I am at those basic,practical, tasks that the average person takes in his/her stride.

  • Based on that I must be mis-remembering the top 0.2%

  • Well, it was 1986 when I did it, but the threshold was 148 back then - but only in one of the two tests. I know scoring differs  - so 148 can be like 130 in other tests. It was top 2% anyway - whatever score that is these days. Sounds like you'd make it. I passed both but one took me to the top 0.2% I don't think it benefited me that much.

  • I've never considered trying to join Mensa.  Pure vanity  has me wanting to be a full member of I  only have subscriber status, as I only satisfy 2 of the 3 requirements. To put it simply- I'M NOT GOOD ENOUGH.

  • I think I tend to overthink the joke

    I tend to do that.

  • Any group of humans automatically forms a scapegoat from their own membership. 

    An Autist (except in rare circumstances) is the natural candidate for this important social role..

    Dont want to get bullied? 

    Avoid participating in groups of people. 

  • I think I tend to overthink the joke, I’ve suffered from people doing pranks on me before, I always fall for it. I’m most probably too trusting and normally feel hurt afterwards as to why others would want to want to do it to me.

    Some  comedians are just not funny, then again most are only as funny as the material written for them. I always struggled with the ‘Oxbridge’  ‘Goodies’ and most Monty Python, they didn’t make me laugh, The Young Ones and Not the 9 o’clock news comedy was from the same background but very funny. I love studying people like Ronnie Barker, Dudley Moore and Peter Cook. Watching their timing is just amazing.

  • i dread to think of needing surgery as i doubt the surgeons know what they are doing at all, and a mechanic is likely to break your vehicle as he is to fix it.

    About half the time I put a car in for work it comes back with another fault. I know ONE mechanic who can mostly givce me the car back properly fixed but he's 20 miles upi the road, amnd deosn;t have a lona car, so we keep trying to find one local who can work wthout giving me a little job afterwards. (whetehr it's rectifciation of work Ive just paid for or whtehr it's making them do it right, I still dont want it..

    To be fair though, al those professionals have a host of parasites hanging off their business's demanding fees and disbursements and form filling etc, which stuffs their efficency. 

  • What a crazy genius Richard Feynman was, I've read some of his books and he was truely brilliant.

  • Oh, firemonkey. You have such low self esteem. I think that is what you need to work on. Bullying is awful. I was bullied like a lot of people here, but at least I got to go home at the end of the day because I went to a crappy comprehensive school. I can't imagine the horrors of boarding school. You are just as worthy as anyone else.

  • Any insecurities I  have, as to my intelligence, aren't in any way because of those in the FB high IQ community. The vast majority are thoroughly decent people. The cognitive testing subreddit,on the other hand-!!!. That has some grade A  jerks. Most of my insecurity stems from bullying related trauma, as a result of being bullied at boarding school, especially public school. It also stems from having an academic record that wasn't terrible, but also wasn't great.  Although I've recently found a reason why I underachieved , it's hard to instantly shake of years of self doubt as to how intelligent or not I am.  Perhaps I should've been stronger and got past  what happened many years ago.  Perhaps I'm just a gutless,pathetic, excuse  for a human being for not doing so.

  • Just a thought - feel free to ignore this - but reading all this again taking into account this post, I am wondering if this Facebook group is the source of you anxiety? Your original post said you were worried about being "outed as an intellectual fraud." At the time, I though this a strange thing to say - I was thinking "by who??". I don't think a Facebook group is something that should be held in high esteem as a peer group. It sounds that there may be a lot of 'd i c k swinging' with people trying to sound intellectual all the time. I joined MENSA when I was 16. I left MENSA when I was still 16. I didn't relate to any of them ('them' probably being the loudest members, in hindsight.)

    Even though he wasn't likely autistic, I thought Richard Feynman had the best idea with his bongo playing and always falling foul of his peers.

    "You can know the name of a bird in all the languages of the world, but when you're finished, you'll know absolutely nothing whatever about the bird... So let's look at the bird and see what it's doing — that's what counts. I learned very early the difference between knowing the name of something and knowing something." - Richard Feynman

  • As previously, said I've done a good number of high range tests. I doubt myself,intelligence wise, far more than others in the high IQ community doubt me. I went from about 56 FB 'friends', gained from May 2009 to March 2020,to 6x that  amount since getting involved with the FB high IQ community  in March 2020.  The vast majority of that increase  being members of the high IQ community.

    I am not and never will be a genius, primarily I lack the creativity needed to be one. I do get some quite good scores on some high range tests. Unfortunately I have marked executive functioning difficulties, especially so when it comes to organising and planning. It's been suggested by some people, based on things I've said, that I have ADD. I'm sceptical about that.  

    I was going to post scores, but that would very probably p*ss  people off. So I won't.

  • I’m on both extrems - I already heard that I’m really intelligent but I also heard how is it possible that I’ve done or said such a dumb thing. It’s probably nothing unusual for others too. Or maybe I’m wrong. I made myself IQ test on the Mensa site and my result was 107 so hmm there is quite much missing to Einstein level but I can say I’m quite intelligent. 

  • YEP! Supremely confident, that I am! 

    Can't say it's made me "superior" overall though, as it's balanced with some sort of pervasive stiupidity, which means that if I really, really make an effort I can do abut as well overall as anyone else in lifes medan group.. 

    I.Q. tests don't lie, they measure to a farily high degree of acuracy and reliabilty how "clever" you are. that's part of why I am confident, but also I've seen me perform some impressive feats of thinking where I "skirted that fiendish trap" because I can THINK. 

    Get yourself tested, then you will know. 

    IF you are lucky enough to be a thickie, then Woo Hoo life's, gonna be easy for you! The premium point is about 110-120 so as you are just smart enough to take advantage, but still dumb enough to enjoy what everyone else does. 

    If you are "dumb as a rock" down there in the eighties, then just find your kindred sprits, and figure out how to TAKE what you need from those other people by means of brute force as a mob. It works really well in most western countries..

    IF you are in the 120 to 150 range, well, it all depends on personality for you! If they like you, the futrures is bright, otherwise your life course is going to be "Dr Evil" if you ain't lucky..

    IF you test any higher than that, then you probably aren't reading this thread. 

  • I've heard of things like this, of being outed as stupid and receiving ridicule and bullying from people. It is a form of trauma. I think it's similar to someone trying to buy expensive clothing to look rich, to avoid looking poor, even though they might actually be poor (especially after spending all that money on expensive clothes) but they will do that,  in order to protect themselves against the bullying and ridicule of others.

    I think you could try to show yourself, that even if you displayed low IQ, or went through the same kind of thing as you did back then, that you won't be ridiculed, and imagine that other people actually stepping in to help you out. Another exercise is to Imagine telling your bullies what you've always wanted to say to them.

  • As far as I'm aware Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences has come in for much criticism. My (comparative)  cognitive  strengths and weaknesses are as follows-

    + =  verbal, numerical,pattern recognition, working memory

    - = mental rotation,3x3 matrices,executive functioning(organising and planning),visual memory