Are you all supremely confident that you're intelligent

Or are you like me? Expecting at any moment to be outed as an intellectual fraud. It's an area of high,possibly pathological,insecurity for me. I think it connects to the bullying related trauma. Being treated as a lesser person by my school age contemporaries, especially as a teenager.

  • there are many forms of intelligence. in some I excel and in other I struggle. On an IQ test they only focus on one or 2 kinds of "intelligence" and throw the rest under the bus.

    I marvel at how a friend of mine knows right away what's going on emotionally with everyone in a room, just by walking into a room and taking the measure of it. I cannot do this at all and have to rely on clumsy questions that can come of as rude. We cannot explain to each other how.

    There is also the question of cultural bias and standards of expressing a problem that would be easy if otherwise expressed for some: I, for one, am more visual in my thinking and I excel at math if the questions are expressed to accommodate, but I get frustrated if a problem is expressed in a formula, the language of which, I don't know.  

  • As far as I'm aware Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences has come in for much criticism. My (comparative)  cognitive  strengths and weaknesses are as follows-

    + =  verbal, numerical,pattern recognition, working memory

    - = mental rotation,3x3 matrices,executive functioning(organising and planning),visual memory

  • As far as I'm aware Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences has come in for much criticism. My (comparative)  cognitive  strengths and weaknesses are as follows-

    + =  verbal, numerical,pattern recognition, working memory

    - = mental rotation,3x3 matrices,executive functioning(organising and planning),visual memory

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