Are you all supremely confident that you're intelligent

Or are you like me? Expecting at any moment to be outed as an intellectual fraud. It's an area of high,possibly pathological,insecurity for me. I think it connects to the bullying related trauma. Being treated as a lesser person by my school age contemporaries, especially as a teenager.

  • YEP! Supremely confident, that I am! 

    Can't say it's made me "superior" overall though, as it's balanced with some sort of pervasive stiupidity, which means that if I really, really make an effort I can do abut as well overall as anyone else in lifes medan group.. 

    I.Q. tests don't lie, they measure to a farily high degree of acuracy and reliabilty how "clever" you are. that's part of why I am confident, but also I've seen me perform some impressive feats of thinking where I "skirted that fiendish trap" because I can THINK. 

    Get yourself tested, then you will know. 

    IF you are lucky enough to be a thickie, then Woo Hoo life's, gonna be easy for you! The premium point is about 110-120 so as you are just smart enough to take advantage, but still dumb enough to enjoy what everyone else does. 

    If you are "dumb as a rock" down there in the eighties, then just find your kindred sprits, and figure out how to TAKE what you need from those other people by means of brute force as a mob. It works really well in most western countries..

    IF you are in the 120 to 150 range, well, it all depends on personality for you! If they like you, the futrures is bright, otherwise your life course is going to be "Dr Evil" if you ain't lucky..

    IF you test any higher than that, then you probably aren't reading this thread. 

  • YEP! Supremely confident, that I am! 

    Can't say it's made me "superior" overall though, as it's balanced with some sort of pervasive stiupidity, which means that if I really, really make an effort I can do abut as well overall as anyone else in lifes medan group.. 

    I.Q. tests don't lie, they measure to a farily high degree of acuracy and reliabilty how "clever" you are. that's part of why I am confident, but also I've seen me perform some impressive feats of thinking where I "skirted that fiendish trap" because I can THINK. 

    Get yourself tested, then you will know. 

    IF you are lucky enough to be a thickie, then Woo Hoo life's, gonna be easy for you! The premium point is about 110-120 so as you are just smart enough to take advantage, but still dumb enough to enjoy what everyone else does. 

    If you are "dumb as a rock" down there in the eighties, then just find your kindred sprits, and figure out how to TAKE what you need from those other people by means of brute force as a mob. It works really well in most western countries..

    IF you are in the 120 to 150 range, well, it all depends on personality for you! If they like you, the futrures is bright, otherwise your life course is going to be "Dr Evil" if you ain't lucky..

    IF you test any higher than that, then you probably aren't reading this thread. 

  • As previously, said I've done a good number of high range tests. I doubt myself,intelligence wise, far more than others in the high IQ community doubt me. I went from about 56 FB 'friends', gained from May 2009 to March 2020,to 6x that  amount since getting involved with the FB high IQ community  in March 2020.  The vast majority of that increase  being members of the high IQ community.

    I am not and never will be a genius, primarily I lack the creativity needed to be one. I do get some quite good scores on some high range tests. Unfortunately I have marked executive functioning difficulties, especially so when it comes to organising and planning. It's been suggested by some people, based on things I've said, that I have ADD. I'm sceptical about that.  

    I was going to post scores, but that would very probably p*ss  people off. So I won't.