Are you all supremely confident that you're intelligent

Or are you like me? Expecting at any moment to be outed as an intellectual fraud. It's an area of high,possibly pathological,insecurity for me. I think it connects to the bullying related trauma. Being treated as a lesser person by my school age contemporaries, especially as a teenager.

  • I don't consider intelligence  as a all or nothing monolithic entity. I'm very confident in some things, and insecure in others, like social and emotional intelligence.

  • Yes it's silly and trivial , but I'm pleased with this - my best result so far.  

  • I wasn't calling for the unvacinated to be put in camps, so don't tar me with that brush please.

    I'm never sure with you, when you're being serious or not.

    I'm alll for contrarian opinions and I'm glad you find many of my points cogent. I still stand by what I said in my previous post.

  • Either way, on whichever side, a dictatorship is definitely coming in the next few years and is unavoidable, regardless of what type or kind of dictatorship this is - in reality, in order to achieve this, where all of us are merely observers, it all comes down to who has the greatest Milltary firepower, as the victors write the history books, as we have seen throughout history and down the centuries - in our times, we are facing far greater enemies hell-bent on our total destruction than we have ever faced at any previous point in recorded history and starting with the actual babies of today, future generations will have to face far tougher times than we will once they reach adulthood, long after our generation are gone - many advances in science and technology (that I had foolishly embraced in my teens in the 1980’s) have now become utterly terrifying, well beyond AI and quantum computing, such as expansions of the test tube babies and designer babies, egg/sperm banks (and artificial versions of these), artificial wombs, DNA editing, transhumanism and other ways to bring about the end of human life prematurely, things that I am totally opposed to and which I regard as Satanism dressed up as science and/or “progress” - examples of these already exist in CCP China and North Korea and are coming to the West very soon 

  • For many of us, even before we were diagnosed, we were always deemed by others to be wrong by default because as children we were meant to be “seen and not heard” - after we were diagnosed we were deemed to be wrong by default by reason of our autism, on the grounds that we are deemed to not understand nor accept that we are wrong by default - and this was used to justify all sorts of draconian measures used against us to comprehensively silence us as much as possible, especially if we dared to formulate, express or voice any opinions on any issues in others authoritarian mindsets, which coming from “the likes of us” was deemed to be arrogance, impudence and impertinence which must be comprehensively defeated at every level, in every way and on every issue 

  • Either way, going forward, I see us all, not just those of us with autism, going into a dictatorship in the next few years, either leftist or otherwise, which side and what kind of dictatorship remains to be seen - the divisions and polarisation of opinions on all sorts of issues has already started since Covid and balkanisation can be the only outcome of this 

  • No I'm not. I do present a contrarian opinion sometimes.

    Take your own output, sometmes I agree with what you say, it is very cogent and worked out, sometimes what you write seems to come from a place I can't understand. Same with IIM and some other posters. 

    I've tried to commit to single causes or points of view, in my youth but apart from the Christiannity which is pretty consistent in it's messaging, and essential harmlessness even when led by evil people (which does seem to happen, the popes don't have a particualrly good history) I find they all go just so far before someone is shouting "Kill the unbelievers" or some variation on that old trope, and it all goes a bit Pete Tong..

    Hell, a few years ago the vast majority of YOU were getting behind the idea of shipping People Like ME off to "special camps for the unvaccinated"! 

    I have not forgotten how scared and alone I felt then. Nor have I forgotten where the danger came from.  

    The rest of you talk about how the camps only happen in dictatorships, yet Australia actually set them up and started filling them before the madness wore off...

    Omnichron variant literally saved me from having to rebel kinetically, (because once they have you in a "camp" your goose is well and truly cooked).

    OF course during this period of medical dictatorship (what else was it really?) my UNVACCINATED non-mask wearing self found myself working for the Cabinet Office directly, and travelling unrestrictedly living briefly like one of your masters and not like a plebe. They briefly needed my encyclopedic knowledge of hardware, recognition and sorting skills, plus the abilty to "not notice" corruption.

    Autism came though for me, back then! 

    No, I'm not having a giraffe, I am like many, many other people, trying very hard to reduce the amount of delusion and outright lies that permeate this, the "post truth" society. 

  • maybe so, perhaps my luck i had was divine intervention. or some other kind of otherworldly unexplainable intervention or guidance given my weird dreams i had.

  • One of the good things about living where I do, is we have a low crime rate, I have good neighbours and we look out for each other, most thugs will back away from an octogenarian with a garden fork held like a bayonet!  Homeland security is quite well organisised here too!

    The thing is we dont' live in a dictatorship, as much as some people might like us too, I would be locked up or killed, because I'd be opposing them right from the start.

    Are you havng a giraffe buy the way?

  • I'm genuinely interested. Did you ever try to make amends for your few years as a perpetrator?

  • There's also an element of God's favour there Caelus.

    I was sitting with some of lifes "winners" the other day, and they are no "bumping up against the edge of god's plan" right now, as indeed have I on more than one occasion.

    Life looks very different from that perspective,which I hope you will never get to share.  

  • bullies always win and are always rewarded for thier bullying behaviour in my own lived experience,

    I've explored this subject over a decade or two in my youth.

    I've played several roles:

    Victim (mainly),

    Perpetrator ( for a few years, but found it unsatisfyng),

    Observer (infuriating),

    Overt "nemesis" (leads to social isolation bigtime)

    Covert nemesis/saboteur (very satisifying indeed on some levels, but coorrosive to your soul).

    And finally I settled on:

    S.E.P. (Someone else's problem, I'll ignore it for as long as possible, and if I can't, after perfoming a risk asessment, it's fight or fllght time..)    

  • For the most part I fon't give a flying F*** what others think about me, as long as I know I've acted honourably, honestly and have not been deliberately cruel why should I mould my behaviour to what others want?

    Because if you don't; care what they think about you, they let your tyres down, scratch your car, call the council to complain about you, call the police to complain about you, burgle your house, ANYTHING BUT EFFING LEAVE YOU IN PEACE TO GO ABOUT YOUR BUSINESS.

    And IIM is correct, if you lived in a dictatoship like Libya or Iraq.and avoided coming to the attention of the dictator life could indeed be very good for a while, until your dictator either goes bonkers and starts a war or the west comes to "bomb you back to the stone age" under the guise of imposing democracy...

  • I always get praised for doing clever things and being "amazing" at times and think "if only you knew"

    I think self doubt is a massive part of autism, something I've discussed at length with therapist too. If I do 99 good things and one more that fails I feel 100 percent a failure!

  • I agree with Mark and Firemonkey about IIM' dictatorship ideas.

    Why do we have to care what others think of us and why is the opinion of others the only thing that matters? For the most part I fon't give a flying F*** what others think about me, as long as I know I've acted honourably, honestly and have not been deliberately cruel why should I mould my behaviour to what others want?

    I lookd at some of the reaction time tests that people seem to have been doing, my reaction times depend on whether I see something as a threat. I have PTSD and find that if I see something speeding towards me I react and avoid it, or catch it, with what seems to others to be an almost magical speed. Other things I don't react to and doing task like pressing buttons I'm really slow at.

  • 11th in the world? Wow! (joking) That looks like quite a small sample set, though.

  • Basically intelligent people will tend to have faster reaction times than less intelligent people. They will also be more consistent re their reaction time . Both have a smallish but significant correlation with general intelligence. RTSD has a greater correlation.  Reaction times increase with age as does the RTSD. 

    Your reaction time would have placed you 11th , and 11th for reaction time standard deviation(RTSD)

  • I have literally no idea how to interpret this - what does it mean, firemonkey?

  • I agree with firemonkey - I can't see how this isn't just a fantasy benevolent dictatorship, which never ever existed. A right wing dictatorship would see autistics as undesirables to weed out after the immigrants and physically disabled. A left wing dictatorship would probably weed out any intellectuals and people with a strong sense of justice. Either way we're doomed. The only dictatorship that would work for you is one set up by yourself and then I bet even some of us on this board would start to p i s s you off sooner or later...