Are you all supremely confident that you're intelligent

Or are you like me? Expecting at any moment to be outed as an intellectual fraud. It's an area of high,possibly pathological,insecurity for me. I think it connects to the bullying related trauma. Being treated as a lesser person by my school age contemporaries, especially as a teenager.

  • In such a country we'd probably be forced into taking the shower to end all showers.

  • We have to seriously ask ourselves, what do other people think of us and what is their opinions of us? The opinions of other people is the only thing that matters, in the infinite wisdom of everyone else - we also have to ask ourselves, what will a certain course of action lead to? For those of us with autism, hard though it is, because their mindsets and opinions of us will never change, we have to accept and obey their opinion that we do not understand that we are wrong in every situation and circumstance by default and by reason of our autism - bullies always win and are always rewarded for thier bullying behaviour in my own lived experience, because this is simply the reality of the world around us and the more things change, the more things stay the same, it is what is is - a lifetime of bullying has taught me these harsh lessons of reality because at the end of the day, we do not have a leg to stand on, in their world - much of this has been enabled by the democratic process and by democracy itself, which I’ve come to realise and accept that we would have more real and tangible freedoms under a dictatorship, autocracy, absolute rulership, martinet rule etc - within such a system, we would have clearly and much more honest and transparent boundaries and within that framework, compared to a democratic system, we would have far more leverage and freedom to live our lives how we want without restriction 

  • It's much slower, and the reaction time standard deviation much greater, doing that. Alt method top. Enter method bottom

  • I paid to take those once. 

  • I've never thought it would qualify as a 'special interest' . I like quizzes and tests from playbuzz 'quizzes and tests through to high range IQ ones.

  • I'm being overly obsessive. Sorry

    Don't be sorry - it has shown that the tests have become something of a special interest  - what could be more autistic than that.

    Enjoy it I say - just don't let the thread get too competitive or some people will have performance anxiety Wink

  • Also, whoever devised the test needs to give proper instructions.  You can press the square itself rather than enter on a keypad but it doesn't say this.

  • I'm being overly obsessive. Sorry.

  • So, out of curiosity, I did this. Not for any results but just to see what it was about. I did what I thought were at LEAST 20 squares. I continued.  Then I thought "it's taking the p I s this part of the test!?" . Little did I realise I HADN'T followed the instructions correctly and was pressing "start test" each time. Thus resetting the test everytime there was a square.

    Doing this on a device - my keypad didn't pop up.

  • The best I've managed to get.

  • It reminds me of some of the aptitude tests required to get into the RAF or into the airlines for a pilot training scholarship training programme, as in my teens I would have loved to become a pilot - I believe that some of these aptitude tests are used by NATS to assess an applicants suitability to train as an air traffic controller 

  • Here's mine 70yrs old.

    Also, I get bored easily and wander off, reading the instructions, trying guess the font and such. this slows me down and I want to already do something else, thank you.

    I came to feel annoyed with the square and to resent it. And a few times I let it sit there out of a foolish sort of spite. I learned a lot about myself doing thins test! thanks

    here's my results,

  • How consistent are your reactions?   

    An intelligent young person  should do better than an intelligent pensioner- like me. 

  • Iain, I don't think you should be comparing yourself to the "average" professional like what me and Caelus endure. 

    I've glimpsed your work...

  • if i were to have a proffesion id do it perfectly like second nature and wouldnt *** it up and wouldnt be confused, id learn it to be able to do it easy with my eyes closed, id create muscle and brain memory of doing it that i could do it unconscious.

    So you could never have a bad day, get distracted, have a hiccup, be tired or be human (as in "to err is human")?

    Enduring perfection does not exist due to the nature of entropy so I would not believe you could do it perfectly every time.

    The best anyone could ever be is very good at it, consistently. There are variables you cannot predict (the patient may have complications, your body may not be working the way you need on the day etc) so no matter how good you want to be, the outcome is not consistently predictable.

    These are the lessons I have learned from 32 years working in the same field, honing my skills and teaching / leading others.

  • You clearly couldn't comprehend. Joy

  • I acted like a jerk once, and I still find it funny to recollect, 40 years later... 

    So I'm riidng dwn the A34 n my Honda Rs250 with eth antisocial exhaust pipe, and there's a Mini Metro in front of me with a MENSA sign in the rear window. I give him a flash of the (super good on those bikes, they were known for it) headlight.

    Followed by some pull over gesticulations, in full knowledge of just how bloody difficult that is to accomplish there in the main arterial road comering out of Birmingham, but he's a MENSA menber and manages the task well enough. 

    I ride up, he winds down the window I aks him straight: "MENSA, that's the really intelligent people isn't it?"

    "Yes," he says. 

    SO (just befre riding off, cackling like a loon) I ask him; "So how come you drive such a S*** car then?" 

  • Your title is cleverer.

    Let's meet on zoom late at night and show each other You-tubes whilst complaining about how dumb the rest are... 

    I'm trying for humour, am I failing?