Need help reading forum notifications / Can't see notifications

Please can someone tell me how to read my notifications on a tablet device? I get the orange number appearing at thr bottom of the screen but when I click on it, the notification message appears below the bottom of my screen. I try to drag it up but still can't read it. Please can someone help? 

Thank you.

  • To OutOfStep... Greetings. Now that We can access (part of) the "Search" function again I have confirmed (at least upon My Tablet) a kind of "workaround"... Please and Thank You to try it to see if it works for Yourself also...? (You can even use Your own replies to try it.)

    To reply to a post with no reply buttons, copy a chunk of it, and use "Search" function, to go back to the *exact post* and reveal the missing buttons. (Unless the post is very very long.)

  • Yes, on some devices the search results overlay the keyword that you are still typing. We'll address that separately - we wanted to get the main menu fixes out because of the previous issues.

    I have agreed previously that we needed more testing on this new design. However, there are difficulties in trying every possible combination, as well as in supporting some older devices and browsers. We don't really have the resources to get hold of every possible one. You may have noticed that, increasingly, some sites (including some major ones) launch in "beta" mode, inviting users to identify any issues that may have been missed in pre-launch testing for these reasons. We may consider that for future projects.

  • Hi DC

    That's "responsive design" in action - layouts changing according to your screen. With the limited screen space on a portrait phone (or a smaller tablet, possibly - it relates to how many pixels wide and tall the screen is, more than anything else), the top banner would push the messages down the screen a lot. So, we move the banner down. I'm not sure it's a perfect solution, and we may need to design a more compact banner that could be used at the top on a portrait phone, but that's where we are at the moment. Therefore, what you are seeing is what is expected.

  • We are aware of the issue with the reply buttons. It seems to relate to the software that we are using, and we are in contact with the suppliers to seek assistance. This is different from the menu issues addressed by this week's release, which were specific to this particular community site.

    I'll provide an update as soon as we have more information about the reply buttons. The problem appears, as far as I am aware, mainly on longer threads. I have reproduced the effect whereby reply buttons for messages further down the thread appear only slowly or not at all.

  • ( Maybe this reply gives You a notification. But apart from that, I have little idea/allowance of how to help with the reply/votes buttons disappearing, though I have the same trouble. To reply here, I go to the Thread, quickly go right to the bottom, then pan upwards to see the "loading" dots, then when the loading is finished I try to go to the bottom again for the last 'refreshes'. It does not always work and I cannot really photograph all of that (as I said). )

  • (...I worry about certain things so much, I just revived an old Pictures Thread about it for apology. (!) I hope All of those who contributed to it can come back or choose to come back eventually. Meantime I hope All of 'Newfolk' enjoys it.)

  • Slight smile Thank You! (I am better at chat when I think no-one is looking. Folk only realise that when "live chatting" Me as is going on, here... I just cannot do it! Arg... Um... very sorry... You are great here n'all that, You & Plastic, and, well... um... thanks for being nice to Me.. Uum..eep... sorry... um..I saw a double rainbow today! Thanks! Sorry... (She says this & then runs away fast, apologising.) (!) )

  • Um... maybe I shall wait until I am automatically logged out again one day. I dare not touch that buggy "sign out" menu just now, Thanks. (I am not going to "clear My browser cache" or suggestions like that just now, either.)

    I figure the main solution is just to get a "new" tablet which I (and many others) cannot afford anyway. (I am not *that* much worried about all of this... it is just a WWW-Forum but I do think about it a lot. It is My *only* experience of so-called "Socialising" and "social media" (!))

  • have you logged out then back in again ?


  • ...Oh No It is Me again...! 

    ...No idea of the significance of this, but... upon the HOME Screen (the one showing all the Threads after signing in), when My tablet is in "Landscape" Mode (turned sideways, wider than it is tall), there is a 'banner' which says at the top:

    [  The autism community
    Choose a topic to start a discussion or offer help to other people on their journey with autism. ]

    ...Yet When My Tablet is in "Portrait" Mode (upright, taller than it is wider) -- then this 'banner' is at the bottom. (Does Anyone Else get this, I ask again, please...?) Slight smile

  • I would reply but I can't even when I refresh ;-D

    It's easier to navigate on that tab now where you choose notifcations/messages/profile.

    I haven't got any notifcations so can't see how they are updated but at least I can see the tabs now.

    Thank you for your help

  • (...Reply&Vote  buttons still only appear after refreshing the screen and happening to have the target Post on-screen at the time of the screen refreshing. This is *very* tricky to achieve.

    ...& Messages only shows a few messages and has very limited options, now.

    ...Can someone else please back Me up / reply to this matter, now, Thanks...)

  • ...and...

    ...! You are definitely 'getting there'/'on the right track' Mr. WebPM...

    The pictures are what happen when I used the SEARCH box -*now*. Does Anyone Else see this, now...? (Peter, OutOfStep, California, P1nkG1n...?)

    ..."Playtesting" a WebForum is kind of funny & strange... ( I still say get an actual (old?) device instead of using virtual software, but that is just My opinion - Virtual Software is just a Simulation and is not real. )

  • I am sorry that this has taken longer than I indicated, but we released some changes to the mobile menus today. Your feedback would be very helpful.

  • I sent an email to NAS about not being able to add or edit the Icon/Meme


  • (...I am having trouble accessing My own posts now !! I made a spelling error - argh... I can only correct it by staying in one place...)

    I wanted to state a reminder that the last picture I posted just now is what happens if that floating User Profile BUTTON is pressed which does not work; and so in order to access My own Profile and Others', I just tap the TEXT of a UserName instead, which does work.

    (Also, upon another Thread it is stated that the abillity to change Icons is gone. The Profile page used to show One's own Icon upon it with a "Change" (or something) but that is gone now, also.) 'Bye for now, All.

  • To Mr.Webster... If this Posts, then here is an explanation, & I cannot really do better than this, Thank You for asking (!). I reply to the previous Post rather than the latest one because the Reply buttons are missing for that latest one.

    Upon the Picture, it may be seen a sort of Yellow rectangle at the bottom; this is a top of the Picture which is upon My PROFILE Page! Clicking upon the picture just makes it "judder" up and down, and it will *not* scroll up at all. The Search and the other functions appear in the same way. (As some of us here have said already!)

    I cannot take a picture of something which is not there... e.g. the Refreshing screens & reply buttons. (That needs Video-Capturing, really.) Finally, I have in My PMs, already said what Device I am using, and so I do not intend to repeat Myself in a Public Forum (where I have already been singled out by a certain Malicious-Hacker who *still* has an active account upon here!).

    The fact that Other "Tablet" Users have written what They have written here & in other Threads, plus as Mr.Aidie showed, should be enough, as well as whatever I try to Post.

    Sorry. Thanks For doing what You do, as always.

  • Thanks for that. Could you give me a screenshot and mention what device you are using, as I'm not sure whether I am seeing the same as you?

  • ...Me replying to M'self again. Just as I find things out - cannot remember all of them...

    The SEARCH function, though it is at the top, the results appear at the bottom unable to be scrolled upwards just like the lower buttons. This might be a useful Clue, so I say it now.

    Thanks You Kindly for reading & for all You do Mr Webster.