Need help reading forum notifications / Can't see notifications

Please can someone tell me how to read my notifications on a tablet device? I get the orange number appearing at thr bottom of the screen but when I click on it, the notification message appears below the bottom of my screen. I try to drag it up but still can't read it. Please can someone help? 

Thank you.

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  • ...and...

    ...! You are definitely 'getting there'/'on the right track' Mr. WebPM...

    The pictures are what happen when I used the SEARCH box -*now*. Does Anyone Else see this, now...? (Peter, OutOfStep, California, P1nkG1n...?)

    ..."Playtesting" a WebForum is kind of funny & strange... ( I still say get an actual (old?) device instead of using virtual software, but that is just My opinion - Virtual Software is just a Simulation and is not real. )