Need help reading forum notifications / Can't see notifications

Please can someone tell me how to read my notifications on a tablet device? I get the orange number appearing at thr bottom of the screen but when I click on it, the notification message appears below the bottom of my screen. I try to drag it up but still can't read it. Please can someone help? 

Thank you.

  • I am sorry that this has taken longer than I indicated, but we released some changes to the mobile menus today. Your feedback would be very helpful.

  • ...and...

    ...! You are definitely 'getting there'/'on the right track' Mr. WebPM...

    The pictures are what happen when I used the SEARCH box -*now*. Does Anyone Else see this, now...? (Peter, OutOfStep, California, P1nkG1n...?)

    ..."Playtesting" a WebForum is kind of funny & strange... ( I still say get an actual (old?) device instead of using virtual software, but that is just My opinion - Virtual Software is just a Simulation and is not real. )

  • Yes, on some devices the search results overlay the keyword that you are still typing. We'll address that separately - we wanted to get the main menu fixes out because of the previous issues.

    I have agreed previously that we needed more testing on this new design. However, there are difficulties in trying every possible combination, as well as in supporting some older devices and browsers. We don't really have the resources to get hold of every possible one. You may have noticed that, increasingly, some sites (including some major ones) launch in "beta" mode, inviting users to identify any issues that may have been missed in pre-launch testing for these reasons. We may consider that for future projects.

  • Yes, on some devices the search results overlay the keyword that you are still typing. We'll address that separately - we wanted to get the main menu fixes out because of the previous issues.

    I have agreed previously that we needed more testing on this new design. However, there are difficulties in trying every possible combination, as well as in supporting some older devices and browsers. We don't really have the resources to get hold of every possible one. You may have noticed that, increasingly, some sites (including some major ones) launch in "beta" mode, inviting users to identify any issues that may have been missed in pre-launch testing for these reasons. We may consider that for future projects.

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