Need help reading forum notifications / Can't see notifications

Please can someone tell me how to read my notifications on a tablet device? I get the orange number appearing at thr bottom of the screen but when I click on it, the notification message appears below the bottom of my screen. I try to drag it up but still can't read it. Please can someone help? 

Thank you.

Parents Reply Children
  • (...I worry about certain things so much, I just revived an old Pictures Thread about it for apology. (!) I hope All of those who contributed to it can come back or choose to come back eventually. Meantime I hope All of 'Newfolk' enjoys it.)

  • Slight smile Thank You! (I am better at chat when I think no-one is looking. Folk only realise that when "live chatting" Me as is going on, here... I just cannot do it! Arg... Um... very sorry... You are great here n'all that, You & Plastic, and, well... um... thanks for being nice to Me.. Uum..eep... sorry... um..I saw a double rainbow today! Thanks! Sorry... (She says this & then runs away fast, apologising.) (!) )