Need help reading forum notifications / Can't see notifications

Please can someone tell me how to read my notifications on a tablet device? I get the orange number appearing at thr bottom of the screen but when I click on it, the notification message appears below the bottom of my screen. I try to drag it up but still can't read it. Please can someone help? 

Thank you.

  • ...Oh No It is Me again...! 

    ...No idea of the significance of this, but... upon the HOME Screen (the one showing all the Threads after signing in), when My tablet is in "Landscape" Mode (turned sideways, wider than it is tall), there is a 'banner' which says at the top:

    [  The autism community
    Choose a topic to start a discussion or offer help to other people on their journey with autism. ]

    ...Yet When My Tablet is in "Portrait" Mode (upright, taller than it is wider) -- then this 'banner' is at the bottom. (Does Anyone Else get this, I ask again, please...?) Slight smile

  • ...Oh No It is Me again...! 

    ...No idea of the significance of this, but... upon the HOME Screen (the one showing all the Threads after signing in), when My tablet is in "Landscape" Mode (turned sideways, wider than it is tall), there is a 'banner' which says at the top:

    [  The autism community
    Choose a topic to start a discussion or offer help to other people on their journey with autism. ]

    ...Yet When My Tablet is in "Portrait" Mode (upright, taller than it is wider) -- then this 'banner' is at the bottom. (Does Anyone Else get this, I ask again, please...?) Slight smile

  • Hi DC

    That's "responsive design" in action - layouts changing according to your screen. With the limited screen space on a portrait phone (or a smaller tablet, possibly - it relates to how many pixels wide and tall the screen is, more than anything else), the top banner would push the messages down the screen a lot. So, we move the banner down. I'm not sure it's a perfect solution, and we may need to design a more compact banner that could be used at the top on a portrait phone, but that's where we are at the moment. Therefore, what you are seeing is what is expected.