What’s the weirdest dream you’ve ever had?

More light hearted fun Slight smile 

What’s the weirdest dream you’ve ever had?

I’ll start, though mine was slightly more night terror than dream! One night last year I was dreaming that I was looking around my grandparents old house, except that there was an extra bit of house at the back, behind where the stairs were, so I went to explore it when suddenly a ghost jumped out and grabbed me by the wrists! I could physically feel something holding my wrists too, I remember physically shaking myself to wake up! Had to sleep with the door ajar for a few weeks afterwards too!

  • I had an opposite one this morning - the end part of one of my dreams was we ended up in a grotty 70s pub on a council estate - it was busy for a lunchtime and they had a disco/performance area in the far corner all painted matt black and we were standing near there around a long, tall table.   The far side had drawers in it.   Along come 3 young girls who were going to be giving a demonstration that evening of complicated bondage - they were really rough looking.   As I was the nearest, they volunteered me to be their practice bunny and I remember laughing at all their cheapo Anne-Summers gear coming out of the drawers and the fact they didn't seem able to tie knots properly.    I remember getting all tied up and feeling so comfortable in this predicament that I fell asleep in this position within my own dream.    Anti-climax and then some.... Disappointed

    I remember waking up within the dream and the pub was empty and I'd been untied and left on the floor sound asleep for the afternoon.  Even their dirty, smelly carpet was quite comfy.  Smiley

  • I have had a few in my time!

    I once dreamt that my brother and my sister-in-law had tied me up, and put a gun to my head as I was kneeling on the floor with my hands tied behind my back. I glanced up as the trigger was pulled, and then I woke up.

    Another time, I dreamt that we had won the lottery. I was with my family at a big party, we were all toasting the the win. Suddenly, a voice from nowhere said "Now all you need to do is wake up!". I did wake up and realised that it was just a dream, talk about an anticlimax!

  • It is sometimes! Another one I've just thought of is trying to run and feeling very slow, but then dropping onto all 4s and bounding up a dual carriageway overtaking all the cars!

  • It's exhausting living multiple real and false lives that all load in as 'real'.    You sort-of get used to it - some are quite nice - although some are just nasty & horrible like when I'm being mentally abused by people - even my own brain abuses me!

  • Wow! That's another interesting one! It must be amazing to have such a vivid dream world?

  • Mr Plastic clearly has a vivid imagination.

  • Wow! It must be like having a constant animation going on in your head while you're trying to sleep! Do you find that the vivid dreams prevent you from getting a decent sleep? It's bad that you're left with all the emotional feelings from your 'eventful' dreams though, how do you deal with that?

  • I love this story :-) I'm glad that you managed to stop yourself from actually gong into the Halifax to ask for your parcel though! Do you often have dreams that spill over into reality?

  • I've forgotten many of the weirdest I'm sure, but I remember as a teenager in a dream my stomach was an old-style ISO fit car radio and it all seemed perfectly normal. I've had some good lucid dreams including one where I was fighting alien beings made of light and I realised it was a lucid dream so I just thought "I need a sword" and there one was! Loads of dreams where I can fly, and loads of dreams where there are extra rooms on my house but they're a bit derelict and I run around exploring.......

  • Yes - and they surfaced, opened the fabric sunroof and told my friends off.   All seems perfectly sensible in my dream world.

  • a submarine Fiat 500 !

  • I suffer from ultra-vivid dreams every night - often two or three every night.    Some are quite pedestrian, others are a bit more off the wall.

    I've been buying French cottages - doing structural inspections in the barns with all the smells of damp and dust, one used to be a butchers where the years of cooking geese had impregnated the walls with yellow fat - I've been in Bristol docks with friends throwing beer bottles into the water - only for them to be told off by two policemen from their submarine Fiat 500 that was camouflaged and hiding in the water, I've been in all sorts of wars and battles and I've been shot & injured many times, I've been the only one who can see that attacking troops are actually wearing hologram exo-suits to make them look more invincible, I've been almost run over by a speeding Range Rover that was escaping from a Spielberg-style UFO - I could go on and on!.   My nights are 'eventful'.

    The only problem is they don't delete in the morning - so I'm left with the memories and emotional feelings as though they are all real and have actually happened.    Some are obviously not real - the attacking spaceships etc. but others are too close to reality to spot the difference.

  • this happened to me last week.

    I woke up with the a burning memory in my head which was........ in my Wife's voice " the Haifax bank say they have a parcel waiting for you ".

    As I walked up to the Halifax bank it dawned on me I have no expected parcels and why on earth would anyone deliver a parcel to my bank. I decided not to go in.

    That night when my Wife came in from work she confirms that she did not say anything about a parcel.

    It was a dream that had stepped right into reality.

    Can you imagine the response if I had asked the bank clerk "Hi I'm here for my parcel" lol

  • On a slightly more fun note, I one time woke up to having an orgasm. There was no touching involved. It blew my mind.

  • Most of my dreams are anxious night terrors. The theme is often that someone is invading, Russia or zombies or ghost pirates or whatever. It's often about gathering supplies and going into hiding. And I often dream my parents die. "More light hearted fun" :D SORRY.