How Do Neurotypicals Come Across to Autistic People?

Hey everyone,

I been curious about how neurotypical people are perceived by those on the autism spectrum. For those of you who are autistic, what are some common traits or behaviors of neurotypicals that stand out to you? Are there things that neurotypicals do that you find confusing or challenging to understand?

  • I get what you mean, I find this all to binary, autistic people do/don't do certain things and NT's do/don't do other things. I think we are to fond of putting people in pigeon holes and getting upset when they don't fit.

    I like deep and meaningful conversations and deep and meaningless ones too. I love gogglebox, it just makes me happy.

  • I kinda get fed up with the whole Neurotypical vs Autistic debate.  I think each individual person has varying degrees of the ability to be an *** despite their neurotype.  I just wish people could get along.  Having said that, there are types of people I really don't gel with that are mentioned in the replies.  People saying one thing and meaning another.  People saying "how are you?" when they have no intention of listening to the answer.  People who have no concept of deep conversation but would rather talk about superficial nonsense (says she who finds gogglebox hilarious!!!).

    I feel in a no mans land because apparently I have autistic traits but am not "autistic enough" to receive a diagnosis yet I am unable to work because I really can't deal with the sensory issues in the environment and those types of people who are fake and shallow...

    I feel that personalities and people are all too variable to be 100% Autistic or 100% non Autistic.  It makes my head spin that there are even those categories because they accentuate deficits instead of the positives.  Who says it's overthinking when my brain does that to keep me safe and it's the way my brain works.  Who says it's not normal to have heightened emotions.  People aren't robots, they all have strengths and weaknesses.  I love my Autistic daughter and feel it's small minded people that expect certain social norms of her.  Sometimes I feel lonely when she doesn't speak with me but I respect that she's been doing it all day and our home is her safe space which warms my heart. 

    Eeeek that was a rant and a half! :-)

  • Sarcasm can be an issue I also find because I am a good listener they hold court and never ask anything of me!

  • Before i take part with my usual sitting in the fence, I would be interested in what the OP thinks as this is a user with no name or previous points.

  • I find they need to hunt in a pack, they seem insecure when alone. If someone contacts me it’s always because they want something of me, it’s never to see if I’m okay. They do talk too much about nothing, There is an advert running at the moment, the slogan is “holiday like a fool,” I just can’t workout why? 

  • Treating you like a weirdo for acting slightly differently to other people, when it's them that are weird for thinking there's something wrong with you doing things that are perfectly harmless.

  • Thank you guys for your opinions...

  • To me, many of them (not all of them) talk an awful lot.

  • In an Irish context, given the Irish cultural “norm” of the cultural concept of “cop on” or of “having cop on” or common sense, most NT’s think of themselves as superior and openly and arrogantly look down on those of us who are autistic and are very patronising, they see us as naughty children (regardless of age) and therefore expect us to “keep quiet” and be “seen and not heard” by reason of our autism, even if not formally diagnosed, constantly telling and reminding us at every opportunity that we “do not understand that we are wrong” regardless of the issue, as coming from us it is automatically deemed to be wrong in some way 

  • My sense of Humour really throws People off.
    I get judged at face-value.
    Don't have a bad bone in My body but with humour i seem to push People away.
    Not intended, but understandable i suppose
    It can really be lonely here on NAS.
    But i understand.

  • Ohh good one, about thinking too much, when they don't seem to think at all and the smells and noises too.

    Why does it seem OK for them or rather male NT's to say rude things to women who are complete strangers, like that they don't like your clothes or 'cheer up love, it may never happen?'

  • NT seems to do things as a collective. What I mean, is that after new years, many of them buy gym gear and/or gym memberships, because a majority of the population's new years resolutions were to workout to look good/have better health, and businesses know and prepare for that, because it happens every year. There are certain "seasons" where people buy stuff collectively. Spring can be their "spring cleaning" so they'll buy more cleaning supplies, and new furniture. Or they'll buy clothes that are trending or in season, even if they are uncomfortable, confusing to put on, or akin to torture devices. Maybe the social aspect of society and how society views them means more to them than it is to me? Maybe our values are different. 

  • And why say "we should do x some day!" When that actually means "I have no intention of doing and  if you mention this again in a few weeks I'll have forgotten"

  • People are interesting, and no one particular group is exclusively better than the other - there are benefits and challenges in both. Some random thoughts that puzzle me:

    • Why do they ask questions they don't want the answers to? "How are you"
    • Why ask vague questions, rather than being specific? "How are you" or "Did you do anything interesting with your family at the weekend"
    • Why don't they actually listen/read what I have said? I take great pains to use precise words/language, but they go off and interpret it, if they read it at all.
    • Why do they think they are telepathic, knowing what other people think, but spectacularly fail on telepathy with what an autist thinks? Are they really just projecting themselves on to the other person?
    • Why does it take so long to get to the point? Why all the waffle?
    • Why is a 'white lie' honest? It's a lie.
    • When someone asks you (e.g. interview) for your experience in X, why do they make up a story they think the interviewer wants to hear, rather than tell them what you did in a very similar situation of Y (like someone literal-minded)?
    • Why do they have less consideration of the impact of their behaviour, like making noise, outdoor motion-sensor lights, smells, personal space etc. on other people than I do?
    • Why do they say one thing when they actually mean another?
    • What do I do when their words and body language don't match up?
    • If a neurotypical person tells me I "think too much", why is it inappropriate for me to respond with "but what if you don't think enough"?
  • Neurotypical people can either be great or terrible people but I am the cynical type to believe that most people, neurotypical or otherwise, are selfish and lack in understanding. Neurotypicals are usually dismissive and patronising arseholes who do not and care not to understand us. 

  • Are you NT yourself? Oddly I've been thinking of starting a thread on this subject for a few days now. The whole social rules things confuses me, who is friends with who, what status they have within a social group, why do they have that status? Why is it so important that a social group do everything together leading to a confusing mix of seeming to care about the individuals in the group and at the same time enforce some kind of conformity? For example, everyone wants to go to a restaurant that serves food I don't like, I'm happy for everyone else to go without me, but everyone else isn't happy, so a great long hassle ensues about where we're going to eat and I end up being the bad guy and the group alpha decides what off the menu I should really be alright with and I end up being the even worse guy by insisting on going home. What's wrong with me being OK about not going to a restaurant that everyone else likes?

    Why ask questions when you don't want the answer? Why when someone's clearly signally that they don't want to talk about something do you hassle them to tell you and then get upset when they do?

    Why can't you answer a straight question without being rude?

    Why do you assume when finding out someones autistic or whatever do you assume they lack agency and need you to take charge and especially make descisions on my behalf and disagree with those descision I have made, even when they're entirely reasonable.

    Why do I have to fit in? Fit in with what and who?

    How dare you assume that when I'm doing something legally and/or morally dodgy that I don't know exactly what I'm doing and why?

    That will do for starters!