How Do Neurotypicals Come Across to Autistic People?

Hey everyone,

I been curious about how neurotypical people are perceived by those on the autism spectrum. For those of you who are autistic, what are some common traits or behaviors of neurotypicals that stand out to you? Are there things that neurotypicals do that you find confusing or challenging to understand?

  • Are you NT yourself? Oddly I've been thinking of starting a thread on this subject for a few days now. The whole social rules things confuses me, who is friends with who, what status they have within a social group, why do they have that status? Why is it so important that a social group do everything together leading to a confusing mix of seeming to care about the individuals in the group and at the same time enforce some kind of conformity? For example, everyone wants to go to a restaurant that serves food I don't like, I'm happy for everyone else to go without me, but everyone else isn't happy, so a great long hassle ensues about where we're going to eat and I end up being the bad guy and the group alpha decides what off the menu I should really be alright with and I end up being the even worse guy by insisting on going home. What's wrong with me being OK about not going to a restaurant that everyone else likes?

    Why ask questions when you don't want the answer? Why when someone's clearly signally that they don't want to talk about something do you hassle them to tell you and then get upset when they do?

    Why can't you answer a straight question without being rude?

    Why do you assume when finding out someones autistic or whatever do you assume they lack agency and need you to take charge and especially make descisions on my behalf and disagree with those descision I have made, even when they're entirely reasonable.

    Why do I have to fit in? Fit in with what and who?

    How dare you assume that when I'm doing something legally and/or morally dodgy that I don't know exactly what I'm doing and why?

    That will do for starters!

  • Are you NT yourself? Oddly I've been thinking of starting a thread on this subject for a few days now. The whole social rules things confuses me, who is friends with who, what status they have within a social group, why do they have that status? Why is it so important that a social group do everything together leading to a confusing mix of seeming to care about the individuals in the group and at the same time enforce some kind of conformity? For example, everyone wants to go to a restaurant that serves food I don't like, I'm happy for everyone else to go without me, but everyone else isn't happy, so a great long hassle ensues about where we're going to eat and I end up being the bad guy and the group alpha decides what off the menu I should really be alright with and I end up being the even worse guy by insisting on going home. What's wrong with me being OK about not going to a restaurant that everyone else likes?

    Why ask questions when you don't want the answer? Why when someone's clearly signally that they don't want to talk about something do you hassle them to tell you and then get upset when they do?

    Why can't you answer a straight question without being rude?

    Why do you assume when finding out someones autistic or whatever do you assume they lack agency and need you to take charge and especially make descisions on my behalf and disagree with those descision I have made, even when they're entirely reasonable.

    Why do I have to fit in? Fit in with what and who?

    How dare you assume that when I'm doing something legally and/or morally dodgy that I don't know exactly what I'm doing and why?

    That will do for starters!

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