How Do Neurotypicals Come Across to Autistic People?

Hey everyone,

I been curious about how neurotypical people are perceived by those on the autism spectrum. For those of you who are autistic, what are some common traits or behaviors of neurotypicals that stand out to you? Are there things that neurotypicals do that you find confusing or challenging to understand?

  • I kinda get fed up with the whole Neurotypical vs Autistic debate.  I think each individual person has varying degrees of the ability to be an *** despite their neurotype.  I just wish people could get along.  Having said that, there are types of people I really don't gel with that are mentioned in the replies.  People saying one thing and meaning another.  People saying "how are you?" when they have no intention of listening to the answer.  People who have no concept of deep conversation but would rather talk about superficial nonsense (says she who finds gogglebox hilarious!!!).

    I feel in a no mans land because apparently I have autistic traits but am not "autistic enough" to receive a diagnosis yet I am unable to work because I really can't deal with the sensory issues in the environment and those types of people who are fake and shallow...

    I feel that personalities and people are all too variable to be 100% Autistic or 100% non Autistic.  It makes my head spin that there are even those categories because they accentuate deficits instead of the positives.  Who says it's overthinking when my brain does that to keep me safe and it's the way my brain works.  Who says it's not normal to have heightened emotions.  People aren't robots, they all have strengths and weaknesses.  I love my Autistic daughter and feel it's small minded people that expect certain social norms of her.  Sometimes I feel lonely when she doesn't speak with me but I respect that she's been doing it all day and our home is her safe space which warms my heart. 

    Eeeek that was a rant and a half! :-)

  • I kinda get fed up with the whole Neurotypical vs Autistic debate.  I think each individual person has varying degrees of the ability to be an *** despite their neurotype.  I just wish people could get along.  Having said that, there are types of people I really don't gel with that are mentioned in the replies.  People saying one thing and meaning another.  People saying "how are you?" when they have no intention of listening to the answer.  People who have no concept of deep conversation but would rather talk about superficial nonsense (says she who finds gogglebox hilarious!!!).

    I feel in a no mans land because apparently I have autistic traits but am not "autistic enough" to receive a diagnosis yet I am unable to work because I really can't deal with the sensory issues in the environment and those types of people who are fake and shallow...

    I feel that personalities and people are all too variable to be 100% Autistic or 100% non Autistic.  It makes my head spin that there are even those categories because they accentuate deficits instead of the positives.  Who says it's overthinking when my brain does that to keep me safe and it's the way my brain works.  Who says it's not normal to have heightened emotions.  People aren't robots, they all have strengths and weaknesses.  I love my Autistic daughter and feel it's small minded people that expect certain social norms of her.  Sometimes I feel lonely when she doesn't speak with me but I respect that she's been doing it all day and our home is her safe space which warms my heart. 

    Eeeek that was a rant and a half! :-)

  • I get what you mean, I find this all to binary, autistic people do/don't do certain things and NT's do/don't do other things. I think we are to fond of putting people in pigeon holes and getting upset when they don't fit.

    I like deep and meaningful conversations and deep and meaningless ones too. I love gogglebox, it just makes me happy.