How Do Neurotypicals Come Across to Autistic People?

Hey everyone,

I been curious about how neurotypical people are perceived by those on the autism spectrum. For those of you who are autistic, what are some common traits or behaviors of neurotypicals that stand out to you? Are there things that neurotypicals do that you find confusing or challenging to understand?

  • My sense of Humour really throws People off.
    I get judged at face-value.
    Don't have a bad bone in My body but with humour i seem to push People away.
    Not intended, but understandable i suppose
    It can really be lonely here on NAS.
    But i understand.

  • My sense of Humour really throws People off.
    I get judged at face-value.
    Don't have a bad bone in My body but with humour i seem to push People away.
    Not intended, but understandable i suppose
    It can really be lonely here on NAS.
    But i understand.

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