Are there any antidepressants that don't make you feel like ***? (sensitivity to side effects)

Please fucking help. I've been on Citalopram 10mg and that made me really sick and even more suicidal. I've been prescribed Fluoxetine recently which has scary side effects still, but is it more likely to make me worse because of its sensitivity? The sexual side effects are scariest, then nausea and vomiting is second. 

  • We don’t really know anything. We are lots of moving parts yet and lots of uncertainty. But right now based on a half life of 36 hours the citalopram it’s probably only just now starting to reach negligible levels in your system.

  • Yep. I said the same thing..

  • Well said I Sperg - I totally agree. Sometimes we are harmed by what’s offered to us by the nhs and we have little choice but to look for alternatives. It’s not that we WANT to, often we simply have to. 

  • I went on Citalopram in 2020 and I wasn’t on it very long. Like you, I found the side effects horrific. Nausea, upset stomach, dizziness and the worst was suicidal thoughts and depression. My doctor said I felt side effects more intensely because of my autism and felt Citalopram was a little too much for me so we decided to try me on Sertraline instead, but, she said to snap the pills in half and have half each day until it was in my system. This worked better for me. I had no side effects on Sertraline when I first took them. But eventually I came off them as they were causing me a lot of digestive issues. Since coming off them I am feeling much better again. I feel like medication often is their go-to-option and hope for the best but I personally feel like a talking therapy would be more beneficial than just shoving medication down your throat. I had a therapist on the NHS and because of my struggles going out she used to do phone calls and video calls with me. She helped me immensely, so perhaps you might find the same more helpful than medication.

    I also read that you’ve not taken anything for three days, worth noting, it will take a while yet for you to feel better and the side effects to wear off as the drug will still be in your system. When I had bad side effects from the Citalopram by doctor said it would take a week or two before I felt better.

    I hope you’re ok and doing much better today. Take care.

  • Hi I Sperg - I’m really sorry this person above (Ottilie) was so judgemental and harsh towards you, you don’t deserve that and I’m sorry. This community is a place where people can be open about what has worked (and not worked) for them and it’s done in a supportive way - as you were doing here. I hope this person hasn’t made you feel bad. 

  • I have only ever taken antidepressants once many years ago - and it was Citalopram. The side effects were HORRENDOUS and I would never dare take another SSRI again as a result. They made me feel suicidal too - extremely so that I was all ready to make plans and do it, not just thoughts. Thankfully I had my husband with me to get me through it - he had to take time off work because I wasn’t safe to be left alone. I’d never take them ever again. I’m sorry you’ve had a terrible experience with this drug too. Take care.

  • Jeez, this makes me glad to know that my decisions never to entertain drugs, mean that I never have to deal with this stuff. I remember my GP offering me this stuff, I said “not until I’ve done all of the holistic stuff”, he said “good choice”. He didn’t even care that I may have made the bad choice..:/

  •  is often seen on the weekends. So pinging her as well.

    Thanks to everyone who's helped Jakey. I've also emailed the Community Manager who hopefully we'll see this ASAP and reach out to him.

  • Morning, Jakey. If you had a bad reaction then maybe it will take a while for the side effects to wear off. 

    Did you get some rest? 

  • I've already considered drugs as a solution, it's one thing I've not tried, to be fair it might be worth a try, just not sure how to get it really. 

    Severe issues require severe solutions. 

  • How do you know it's a side effect of citalopram? I don't understand? I thought it wears off after a few days? 

  • Stop sending those. I already tried. 

  • Flagging up the discussion to the mods for their input as Jakey could do with some input (Ian offers some great contacts) and with the discussion moving to some uncomfortable and contentious ground, they may want to comment.

  • Many people have different reactions to psychoactive medication. Sometimes it needs trial and error to find something that works and then titrate the dose. Stimulants usually have fairly short half lives - something like Ritalin peaks in an hour or so and most of it has been metabolised and excreted in less than a day.  Other drugs take time to take efect because they have to build up to a therapeutic level in the bloodstream: they can take several days to have a maximum effect, and then from a few days up to two weeks to leave the system. Statistically, many people self-harm when stopping or changing medication, so it is always a good idea to get proper clinical advice.

    Self-medication with street drugs is not a good idea. You do not know what you are getting or how strong they are ... they are not quality controlled like pharmaceuticals. Drugs like cannabis can contain dozens of active incredients in different proportions. Most have not been properly researched in clinical trials like regular pharmaceuticals.

    If you want to take chances with your own health, and risk problems with the law into the bargain, then you must take responsibility for your own actions.  But please, do not encourage other people to do so.

  • Jakey

    Please keep trying to get help. From the "Urgent Help" information on this site ...

    If you are having a difficult time, you can call the Samaritans any time, day or night, on 116 123 or email

    Other helplines and listening services: 

    • Mind Infoline: 0300 1233393 for information and signposting (9am to 6pm, Monday to Friday) 
    • SANEline: 0300 304 7000 for anyone experiencing a mental health problem or supporting someone else (4.30pm to 10.30pm, every day)
    • Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM) – for men 0800 58 58 58, (5pm to midnight every day).  
    • Shout 85258 a free, confidential, 24/7 text messaging support service for anyone who is struggling to cope.

    Do not give up. You are a valuable human being, and your life is precious. Talk to somebody ... the Samaritans are open on 116 1213.

  • Mainstream psychiatry (when it's been allowed to do the work) has reported good results with MDMA at treating precisely this sort of thing. 

    I read the guys post, it reminded me of my own experience, and there was the same sort of desperation I have felt in the past. I felt a genuine need to offer from my own experience of what worked well for me.

    I found my illegal drug supplier far more knowledgeable about the effects and correct dosage of his product than my doctor was about the drugs he offered me.

    The qualified professional denied point blank the very real side effects I was experiencing, whereas my illegal but quite "ethical" drug dealer actually closely observes the effects of his or her products first hand and knows what they do to you often from personal experience. 

    Sometimes you just need a holiday for a few hours from the misery, and even an artificially changed MDMA perspective is better than not getting it at all.

    I did choose to make the post, and I stand by that choice, and have not altered it materially except to reword it, so it is less of a recommendation, and more of a testimony of what worked for me back in the 1990's when I was having a crisis such as the original poster describes.. 

    Although I don't care much for your bombastic attititude, I suspect we both want the same for Jakey.

    A recovery, or at the very least some respite, to give him a chance of being the architect of his own recovery. 


    If the present system and attitudes towards mental health and other issues worked at all well, this forum would be a far happier and better adjusted place than it is. It's full of people complaining about MH services, and the quality of their lives.

    It's clear that alternatives need to be explored by those so inclined, and having done the exploring, it's kinda the whole point to share the information thus acquired. 

  • Suggesting to someone in a mental health crisis that ecstacy could be a solution is a clear violation of the community rules and dysfunctional. You can play the victim. I'm not violating anything. You chose to make that post. I was there with Jakey earlier supporting him. I've seen you taking this victim role over and over and I'm not interested. Take it up with the mods if you have an issue. 

  • Don't you accuse me of being dysfunctional.

    You don't know me and it violates the rules about being nice.

  • Jakey's current situation is not about you and how you have dysfunctionally coped. You have broken community rules. If you have nothing useful to offer them I kindly suggest you say nothing instead of offering suggestions of drug abuse as a solution. Mods can you PLEASE stay on top of this kind of irresponsible posting. I know you are volunteers that are doing your best but this is a daily problem on here with real life consequences.