Are there any antidepressants that don't make you feel like ***? (sensitivity to side effects)

Please fucking help. I've been on Citalopram 10mg and that made me really sick and even more suicidal. I've been prescribed Fluoxetine recently which has scary side effects still, but is it more likely to make me worse because of its sensitivity? The sexual side effects are scariest, then nausea and vomiting is second. 

  • Yeah... they'll just tell me to keep taking them. Stop giving me bad advice please. The NHS is useless. I can't use the NHS, point me elsewhere. 

  • And he knew that he was sending you home to a minor, having proscribed you a drug that could make you harmful to yourself and others, knowing the risk and not knowing how you would react.. that doctor is a devil..

  • Unfortunately not. No.

    Side effects for a lot of medication like that are vile. That's the go to routine now horrible medication or hospital, or, if you are really unlucky both. I'm on Sertraline and Olanzapine and the side effects are Hell. Nausea, stomach pain, shaking hands and severe tiredness and dizziness. Talking to a therapist is way better for me and most people but they don't seem to offer that. Just prescription and then boot you out the door.

    I was lucky I had a doctor to talk to but she's gone now so I've just got my meds.

    Stay strong don't give up. X

  • Its pissible that you are experiencing withdrawal effects from stopping Citralopam. This can exasperate how you are feeling and is sometimes worse than the original reason why you started taking them in the first place. It is also sometimes suggested that you are experiencing a reoccurrence of your original symptoms, when in fact it is withdrawal. If you feel worse than you did originally, it is likely withdrawal. These symptoms will ease, it doesnt feel like they will, but they do. I learned to accept it was how i was feeling today and didnt look much further than that. 

    I hope you are feeling better today. 

  • If that works for you, that's great. I just don't think we need to collectively declare that all anti-depressants are bad for all people.

  • I was on Citalopram and ended up being like a zombie. The follow up call didn't happen because the GP was unwell. Really bad as another doctor could of done the follow up call. My friend was worried about going cold turkey.

    Now I do self help.

  • Autumn Trees posted about their experience of finding what worked for them and side effects wearing off right near the start of the thread. I've also had SSRIs that didn't give me much in the way of side effects. 

    It sounds like you've only recently started a low dose, but even so you need to talk to a doctor. Withdrawal feels really really bad, believe me. 

  • I haven't seen a single anecdote of someone sticking with the meds and being fine at the end of it or not having side effects. 

    Bur there are plenty of people saying coming off them fast made things worse - please check with your GP on how to do this in a way that isn't going to make things feel worse than they are.

  • Go what you think is best for yourself 

  • Nope, I'm getting off this *** as fast as I can. We have hyper sensitivity to side effects that would outweigh the positives. I haven't seen a single anecdote of someone sticking with the meds and being fine at the end of it or not having side effects. 

  • I know the feeling of going onto antidepressants that make things feel worse or have unpleasant side effects. I've been on fluoxetine for around 2-3 weeks and the side effects (hopefully short term) have been quite unpleasant (diarrhea, depression, tiredness, vivid dreams/nightmares and a weird numbing sensation around my body). I haven't experienced any of the sexual side effects but they've been described as unpleasant.

    From what I keep being told and keep reading about that things (at least for the first few weeks) will get worse before they get better when you start taking fluoxetine. The only thing I can recommend is try sticking with the medication and contact mental health support/doctor/mental health professional immediately if it makes you more suicidal.

  • Autistic people are hyper sensitive to many things and I think side effects from medication is one of the worst. I feel side effects so badly that generally I try natural stuff rather than medication as it has such an adverse effect on me.

    Citalopram is one of the worst and yet seems to be the one they put you on first. They did the same to me and my husband and we both felt terrible.

    I hope you get over the effects soon and are also feeling better soon. I know times are hard now but it doesn't rain forever. Hang in there and the better times will come.

    Sending virtual hugs.

  • Side effects do disappear with time, but if you stop taking antidepressants quickly, they can be even worse. I do think that many of us feel the side effects stronger, on account of being Autistic. I know I do/did.

  • Thanks for sharing your experiences, and sorry to hear them. It's as I suspected, it's one of two things. Either they're trying to kill us, or they don't understand us. I wish you all the best, we're stronger together, and weirdos have to stick together. 

  • Thank goodness he has you to support him with this. This is part of the problem - people are already so vulnerable when they are given these drugs (I know I was) and if the side effects are horrendous it’s just too much to cope with. And you need someone close to be with you if this happens - to keep you safe. But the GP isn’t there to help, in fact who is a lot of the time? 
    I remember when I went to the Doctor with such severe anxiety he didn’t even ask me hardly anything - he just reached for the prescription pad and said “I’m going to prescribe you an anti-depressant”. I’d read about side effects so I said “I’m a bit worried about side effects” and his answer to this was simply “read the leaflet that’s in the box”. That was IT. My son (who was about 4 at the time) was in the room and the Doctor just said “go home and play with your son”. That was it. 

    just useless. 

  • I’m so sorry Katy x It was the second most horrible experience of my life. Awful. I’m so glad that you survived Pray

  • They are, but the ignorant pushers of such dangerous and frequently misdescribed drugs face no consequences whatsoever...

    In fact many people revere them and they get paid handsomely. 

    They've been drugging a friend of mine to the point where he stopped being able to speak coherently, and I have had to intervene, by attending his consultation and advocating for him.

    Turns out they upped his dosage to "help him deal with a crisis" some years ago and never reviewed it afterwards... Consultant had LOADs of personal information wrong too, and was completely unaware that he was having the speech problems, despite having to ask my mate several times to repeat himself... I'm going back next week to provide the requested feedback, now they've reduced his dose a bit.

    SOMEONE needed to be in his corner...

  • I'd risk a government prison than my current mind prison. 

  • I had the same and attempted suicide but thankfully failed. They are horrible medication those.

  • Of course one of the reasons doctors really like prescribing SSRI over other forms of medication is it it’s a bit harder to overdose accidentally or deliberately on SSRIs, certainly not impossible, but harder.