Getting my 1st tattoo as an A Typical

Posting this to see if any other A typicals have ink and how you found the exsperiance as I'm a little bit nervous not gona lie. Going for some Norse mythology and getting the AWE protection rune along with the 9 pointed triangle of the 9 realms of Valhalla along with the tree of life and the all knowing and all wise ravens. Bit nervous about the process as being an A Typical myself my mind always go to worse case saniorios and I always over think the prosiger. The pain is really the least of my worries my main concern is if they go deep or catch vane which is kind of ironic coming from someone who self harms. But then again that's my reason for getting it to prevent me from self harming in the future. Any advice would be useful besides don't get one I guess.

  • My advice would be to get a small one first in a less obvious place to see how your skin reacts and to figure out what you're doing with the aftercare.

    Have a look at artist's socials, artists have specialties like traditional, black and white, realism etc. so if what you want is full colour then a black and white artist is unlikely to be able to do justice to your idea thanks to the different skillset involved.

    If your artist designs something you aren't 100% happy with, don't be afraid to ask for changes - it's going to be on you forever!

    Don't. Take. Someone. Else's. Art. It's okay to use things as inspiration, but plaigerism is never okay and it's a bad look for all involved.

    Your artist will tell you this but make sure you have a good meal before hand to keep your blood sugar up, and keep up a good moisturising regimen leading up to your appointment. Your artist will thank you for making their canvas easier to work with.

    And if you're worried about the social bit, don't worry too much. They'll be concentrating on what they're doing so won't have much space to chit chat.

    I'm sure there's more, but I think that's a good foundation to start with. Just don't skimp on research and you'll be fine.

  • Tattoos are the best!

    I have 12, I think. All of them are for my hyperfixations and special interests!

  • The modern machines are so quiet now, don’t have the traditional older sound. I barely heard the machine when I had my last tattoo in September it might not be as bad as you expect but there may be other artists in the same space so you may hear 2 or 3 machines at once

  • Being ADHD and ASD tolerating pain isn't to much of an issue.  But having both I'd s real head *** at times and it's like the two are at constant war with eachother. One half of my brain is telling me you'll be fine and one feel anything the other side of my ASD is telling me what if it goes wrong what if this happens why sitions like this aren't easy but I owe it to myself to see it through. Just waiting on them to get back to me with s price and design then going a head with it 

  • Will do I'm waiting on price quotes Gona bring my headphones to ease my anxiety just the noise of the needle I dislike so the more I can drown that out the better. Besides that though I reckon the pain will be manageable I just don't like the noises like when you go to the dentistst I can handle the pain of a filling but just don't like the sound you get from vibrations as it makes me cringe 

  • Best wishes. Please share how it goes once you get it.

  • I think that transforming self-harm into a tattoo as a reminder to not self-harm is a great thing you are doing for yourself. Of course, be careful about the place you're going to get a tattoo from, and maybe get a smaller tattoo first to see if you can tolerate the pain, and then decide if you want a bigger tattoo later on. Anyways, I wish you all the best. 

  • I'm going to bring my noise canceling headphones music always calms me down along with resperadone Rofl And mines being done my arm getting some scars covered up.

  • Yeah good shout tbf and I will when I go. 

  • No, I didn't. But even if I had read it, I would feel remiss if I read the post and didn't attempt to discourage this kind of irresponsible behaviour. 

  • I have no experience of getting tattoos so I'm going to pass on what my friends who do have them have told me. Make sure you find a reputable tattoo artist. Keep an eye out for things like them wearing gloves and talk about how they clean equipment, this is essential. If they're uncomfortable, leave. This is blood so hygeine is really important. 

    I don't know if you have an artist in mind, but if you don't, look around, look at lots of pics of their work, styles vary a lot so find one that suits you. 

    Look at reviews, lots and lots of reviews. These are a great way of finding out what could happen

    Talk to the tattoo artist before hand. Most are quite happy to answer your questions and give advice, if they aren't consider looking elsewhere, most good artists are more than happy to discuss their art. You sound like you know what you want and as someone who uses Norse runes it sounds great. 

    Research as much as you can, talk to as many people as you can (this forum is a good start, maybe also try tattoo and body art forums) and take as much time as you want to.

  • If they go deep enough to cause significant bleeding then they are doing it very wrong. Have you looked at the artist’s work on social media? If everything looks nice and crisp then they have a good technique. Deep tattoos tend to look blurry and scarred. Best thing to do is try and relax while they’re doing it make sure you’re in as comfortable as a position as possible and follow their aftercare advice precisely and it should all heal up very well. My tattoo studio have Netflix so watching that passes the time well or I take my Nintendo DS if they’re not working on my arms

  • Did you read the last sentence? 

    Any advice would be useful besides don't get one I guess.
  • Yes, my advice is don't do that to your skin. It's an abhorrent practice. Why would you want to deliberately mutilate the largest organ of the body? Would you pierce and ink any other organ?

    Your skin is not only the largest organ of the body, it's also the moat complex and most sensitive organ with the hardest job: providing you with a protective layer, keeping your body safe. Little dd it know the biggest threat would come from irresponsible and idiotic actions of the person its protecting! I hear people say they want to feel like an individual... and the irony is that they all end up looking the same—common, and scruffy.

    If you like Norse mythology, buy a poster, or some rune stones, just don't engrave your skin.