Hi, I am new here and I like to introduce some of my stories.

I do write loads, mainly fiction.

Normally I do Aspie Village but that is closed until April.

I'm having a bladder scan to find out what's wrong with me. Ther is a possibility that little monsters could be blocking up my bladder, making it difficult to urinate.

The little pests that are blocking up my bladder have to come out, and the only way is to use a catheter with a water pistol attached to it. Also the prostate gland is making it difficult to urinate because it is a carnivore that attack's other organs inside my body.

Sometime's the prostate gland jump's up into my stomach and  take's a nibble.

The only way to deal with a mad prostate gland is to shoot it with a gun loaded with gunpowder.

I am 62 years of age and have difficulty urinating.

  • Once upon a time, on a Tuesday morning Kevin Bernard was about to get ready for his dial a ride, but had to put up with urine retention because his catheter wasn't draining.

    The trouble started the moment the man rose from his bed, and there would be no let up until 11.10 am, and'

    "Wasn't it unbearable, a terrible ordeal, not being able to pass urine due to the fact that the catheter is blocked.

    Very shortly the dial a ride arrive's and it's time to go to the centre, but sitting on the bus the whole journey becomes really unbearable, so much discomfort and pain because of an obstructed catheter, 'and the man has to make his way all the way to Sinclair House by bus, having this terrible urge to pee, but can't, and on getting off at his stop has to make the long journey down Woodford Bridge Road carrying that terrible burden, all the way to the centre.

    On arrival at Sinclair House Kevin Bernard make's a beeline for the toilet.

    Once in the toilet the man look's at his catheter with the hope that it should unblock, but it doesn't.                                                                                                 He moan's and moan's, so much that one of the day centre members who happens to be in the toilet area overhears him and tell's him to shut up.

    The man soon leave's the loo, but, there's no sign of the blockage coming undone. He goes and seeks help, but just as he does he feel's a warm glow on his leg.                                                                                                                                         

    The catheter has at last unblocked, much to the man's relief. He then goes into the loo and find's that the leg bag has filled up to 100 ml, and after two minutes reaches 200 ml.

    Now that the discomfort and pain have gone the man make's his way to the exercise room for exercises.                                                                                                      

    The catheter start's to block up again, but, this time very slightly. The good news is that it doesn't proceed any further. In other words doesn't get worse.

    Come lunch the man make's his way to the dining room for his lunch, and as he is busy eating the catheter start's to drain twice.

    Very soon it's time to go home as the day centre in Gnats Hill is closed, due to the staff being based at some other centre.

    The man, after leaving Sinclair House, makes his way to the bus stop.

    The catheter is draining, but no completely, which mean's that there's still residual urine left in the bladder. Despite this he make's his way to the bus stop. The bus comes along and he gets on it, and whilst the man is making his way home more  blockages follow, but, on getting off at the Lord Napier the catheter start's to work properly again, and that continues until he arrives home. However the good times don't last, for the catheter block's up again - at teatime and goes on for one hour, then all is well until bedtime.         But at bedtime the man has another blockage. This goes on for 30 minutes.       Fortunately this happens to be the last for three days, but has to pay the price for this by waking up with a reaction to having a catheter in his bladder. This produces some discomfort despite the fact that the catheter is draining so well.


  • One day as it happened Bill Policeman's dial a ride ride home, that is the return journey, had to be cancelled because he kept on making his  own way home by bus too often, this meant that from now on Bill would no longer be taken home by dial a ride in the afternoon. However, the dial a ride would still continue collecting Bill in the morning to take him to his day centre.

    As it happened the man had to go home by bus, but, because he left his centre at 3pm he had to face schoolkids and grave overcrowding on the buses, wishing that he should have never have cancelled the return journey home by dial a ride.

    A bus came along and what a nightmare it was, so dangerously overcrowded that he got in everyone's way on the bus.

    "Oi, don't push in Four Eyes shouted two boys, otherwise we'll bash you"
    "I can't help it, the bus is packed like sardines."

    "Get out of our way man, this bus is  for us kids , not you old man."

    The unruly boys kicked Bill Policeman for getting in their way.

    "Come on boys let's bash the living day lights out of him, he keep's on pushing us".

    Fortunately the bus came to a stop and the man managed to squeeze pass the kids and get off the bus to escape the hooligans that had a go at him on the bus, but had to wait for the next bus.
    Bill Policeman was lucky this time for the bus happened to be empty, and another thing, only two schoolkids got on and one adult, and all was plain sailing until he reached the Lord Napier, but had one more bus to catch, which then took him to Faraway lodge in Smokers Lane, Barking.
  • Have you read Steven King's The Dark Tower? It is a series of seven books around other worlds and dreams.  This is full of the sorts of dilemma's that interest you, and houses that take possession, and other feelings of mysterious control.

  • A new type of Mobile phone which can be flushed down the toilet when the batteries run out has gone on sale in Britain's shops.

    Because, by flushing it down the toilet it help's the batteries to recharge.


    This is the first case of it's kind of a mobile phone that can be charged up by flushing it down the toilet.


    Once the batteries are fully charged up after it's been flushed down the toilet the Iphone come's to the surface and pop's out of the toilet bowl.

    Although, covered in poo the phone is now ready for use, but, remember to clean off the poo otherwise the phone will blow up and burst.


    After all who would want to use a smelly phone?


    The flushable Iphone is made by a firm called Apple Sauce.


  • One day whilst out shopping in TESCO a house suddenly swooped down from the sky and snatched me off the ground. The carer saw it all and had to call the police, but just before he could the house shot right up into the sky and flew away.

    It was the house in which I used to live in. It just came to snatch me back.

    Apparently, the house had found out that I had moved to a support home, and that it was the Southwood Gardens house who was the rightful owner of me and not the support home in which I had moved to.

    The house shouted:

    "That man, that's me of course,has no right to live in that support home, I'm his rightful owner shouted the Southwood Gardens house.

    I was trapped inside my old house and tried to escape, but the house grabbed hold of me and threw me inside.

    "Don't you dare escape from me shouted the house, it's me who own's you, not that scum of a support home."

    Suddenly, a police  helicopter swooped down and tried to rescue me, but the Southwood Gardens house held me hostage.
    The house got out a gun and pointed it at the police, but they fired back.
    Armed police broke in and rescued me from the crazy Southwood Gardens house and safely returned me to my support home, but just as they did the house started to follow them as the police drove their car along the road to take me home.
    I arrived home, but, just as I thought the danger was over a house suddenly appeared at my bedroom window. The house broke the window open, landed in my bedroom and snatched me, I screamed, but no matter how much I screamed the house just shot right out of my bedroom with me in it and flew away, but before long a police spitfire plane turned up and fired at the house to make it let go of me. The police then threw a rope ladder at me for me to climb on and then safely hoisted me up into the spitfire.
    They had to fly away as quickly as possible to keep the house from snatching me.

    All of a sudden the house opened fire and shot straight at the police spitfire plane, but they dived out of the way dodging the hail of bullets.

    All of the sudden the crazy Southwood Gardens house flew straight at the support home in which I lived in and started to ram it again and again. The support home toppled over and had to be taken to hospital due to the massive injuries that the crazy house had inflicted on it by ramming it.
    Luckily the support workers  got the residents out in time as the support home collapsed to the ground when a mad building, my old house of course, rammed it.
    The house was trying to kill the support home because it was my old house and not the support home which was my rightful home.

    The other residents were shocked when they found out about the house that was trying to snatch me back and the massive injuries it inflicted on their support home when it rammed it with such violence all because it found out that I had moved into it.

    One resident said:
    ' that house in which I used to live in is mad. How can a house do things like that trying to snatch back the person who has moved out. It also tried to kill my support home. The support home had to be taken to hospital.
    Doctors have said that the sheltered home was so badly injured when it got rammed by a crazy house that it could die. We'll do what we  could, but we're afraid that the support home  won't make it."
    They were right, the support home died the next day.

    When news of the support home's murder by a mad building reached the residents they decided to wreak revenge on the house that killed it, and wasn't I glad that they decided to wreak revenge.
    That way they could destroy the house and it won't kidnap me anymore.
    One of the residents came up to me and said we'll try to finish the house off, that way it won't bother you anymore. Not only that, it's also a murderer for it killed our support home by ramming it repeatedly.

    All of a sudden the house tried to snatch me. A few of the residents saw what was going on and opened fire. The house got blasted to bits, but even that didn't kill it for the ruins of the house when it got blasted to smithereens went mad. 
    The door of the blown up house started to ram a load of people. In fact it rammed one man so violently that his head fell off.
    The blown out windows of the house attacked two men sawing them in half, but they managed to put themselves back together again.
    One man got such a shock that he grew trees on his head. His chest also popped open and a big monster popped out with such huge gnashers that it went on the rampage gobbling up loads of people.

    Now the only answer was to unleash a volcano, that would finish off the blown up house and it's smithereens for good.
    A volcano was built in Valentines Park and started to erupt when police told it to erupt. It then burnt the remains of my old house, thus ending the reign of terror.
    Now all was safe.

    A new support home was grown in a nearby allotment and planted on the site where the murdered home stood.

  • One day a man called Philip Crybaby couldn't pass water, so he went to see Dr Nosebag.

    The doctor told him to go to King Jack Hospital.
    On arrival the man had a catheter fitted by the staff nurse, Miss Rose Garden.

    The catheter was put in, but the nasty little men who lived inside the man's bladder started to attack it and it stopped working so he had to have an X ray. 
    the X ray results were sent to the doctor. 
    The doctor saw the X ray photo and saw a load of little men inside the man's bladder, so he sent the man to the operating theatre to have them removed because, for one thing they were responsible for the man's urine retention, and also, they destroyed the catheter that was put inside the bladder.

    The operation was done, but, as the surgeon cut open the patient's body to let out the nasty little men that were clogging up the patient's bladder, the nasty little men started to attack the surgeon for destroying their home - the patient's bladder.
    The bladder men bit the surgeon all over the body, but, help was at hand.
    The surgeon's team came to the rescue and got out their fly sprays.
    In an instant the nasty little men who fell out of the man's bladder when the surgeon cut open his body ended up dead - all killed by the fly spray.
    The patient was closed up, and to stop any more villains from invading the man's bladder, the surgeon inserted some soldiers inside the patient's body - a few men from the British army.
    Now all was safe fro Philip Crybaby as he had soldiers living inside his body.
  • I have been getting bladder infections and this could me me difficult to pass urine. 

    Most probably it is the prostate gland.

    I was precribed Tamsulosin by the  doctor to help me pass urine better. It is an Alpha Blocker.

  • Tis,

    Like your stories Smile

    Have you tried a little ladder to and some washing powder of "ground nut oil", the enemy tells me.

    If you are brave, very brave,, little soldiers, try whites beetroot juice(supermarket), that dilates the blood vessels, cleans the kidneys and make you peaaaaa purple. Not an easy road,, BUT WORKS.