Wish me luck!

Well after several months and multiple doctors and consultants I am finally a week away from getting my diagnosis. Its actually quite a wierd feeling right now, part of me happy it will soon be over but part of me also worries that they might say I am not autistic.  Considering how many consultants I have seen, I very much doubt that is the case because they pretty much all said I am clearly have ASD.  Does anyone know of any coping methods I can do to lower my anxiety this week or do I just have to ride it out?!

  • Thanks for all the kind words, yeah I probably did misunderstand what was going to happen today when I look back at it.  Anyway the process has begun again and while it is frustrating, its something out of my control and as such as much as it will cause me anxiety, I will just have to knuckle down and deal with it which is something I seem to be pretty good at.

  • Hi Voltaic.

    The absence of a diagnosis doesn't change who you are. I suspect that you may well end up with a diagnosis of ASD. Diagnosis of ASD seems to be much harder to obtain than MH problems where they can change the diagnosis without the certainty they need for ASD given it's permanent, life long nature.

    If there is a reasonable probability that you have ASD then I think that the prescription of your meds might need revision. People with ASD often don't respond to drugs like non-ASD people.

    I wondered if your misunderstanding about what was going to happen today actually supports the idea that you have ASD. We often misunderstand other people, mis-communication is one of the central problems of ASD.  Also, I wonder if the doctor mistook your misunderstanding for the problems that they have prescribed the meds for.

    Try and be patient with the process and be kind to yourself in the meantime.

  • I'm really sorry to hear this, that's as bad as it gets. You must be feeling totally deflated, it would be a poor experience for anyone, but honestly lost paperwork? All of that build up you've had, just to get such a por answer, there's no wonder we're always complaining about the diagnostic process!

    It's just another case of dealing with it just because it is what it is I suppose, but what a let down from the very people we're supposed to rely on. I'm glad that at least they're acknowledging you need a full assessment, it's some comfort anyway, and in the meantime, you've still got us.

    Take care of yourself, here we go again...

  • Well things didn't go exactly well.  Turns out they cannot find any paperwork in regards to my autism diagnosis and as such they want to start the process over again which includes waiting a couple months.  Thankfully the specialist I saw said that based on what evidence she did have, there is enough there to warrent a full diagnosis so I guess I'll just have to go back to the beginning of the line.  Naturally she would not answer when I asked her professional opinion based on what evidence they had but there you go.

    Oh and yay they put me on even more medication so now its, Duloxetine, Lamotrigine and the new one is called Quetiapine also known as Seroquel aka an anti-psychotic.

  • To boldly go where no Voltaic has been before!

    And yeah i'll definietely come back and share whatever news I have

  • Hi Voltaic. Good news, I'm glad you're finaly on the verge of the final frontier, but I'll be even more happy when you come back tomorrow to share your news. Hold on tight!

    Good luck

  • Was able to get some more information by the way.  Apprantly because of the overwhelming amount of evidence that I have ASD they have been able to skip a large amount of the process and are going straight to the short 30 minute interview where they give me the diagnosis, strangely makes me feel worse but hey its less than 24 hours now so I'll just have to hold on :D

  • Well actually I do like bacon! and tea and chocolate but certain other things (baby plum tomatoes, apples) don't like me. There is a suspicion that some of these things aggravate ASD but it's hard to know if they really have anything to do with it.

  • Well what about a nice cup of tea being a unversal panacea? :P

  • Not sure about the bacon being a universal panacea? - reminded me of https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jack_Sprat  it's a matter of taste, YMMV etc

    I find that listening to podcasts such as Thinking Allowed can distract me and take my mind off things that are bothering me. You don't have to agree with what they say on these things (I often find myself arguing with LT in my mind) but they do introduce new ideas to think about.

    (Other podcasts are available!)

  • Bacon helps all things I find :D

  • Very best of luck and hopefully no hitches of any kind. Not sure if bacon helps ASD though.....

  • Well tomorrow is the day, the weekend despite the advice has been pretty bad but to be honest I expected it to be but some of your advice did help so thank you very much for that :D.  

    I have spoken with friends who have knowledge of autism (some have worked with autistic people over 25 years) and they have said that there is no doubt I have ASD.  I also spoke to my doctor who has known me for over 15 years and he said that in his opinion there is only one outcome in his opinion and that is that I have ASD.  I know its wierd but I hope they are right because everything I have learned about ASD and myself over the years, having that diagonsis confirms so much about my life and it would take so much stress from me, it is currently unimaginable what I will be like after. 

    Wish me luck everyone, into the fire I go, hopefully I come out with bacon :D

  • Yeah having some work done to the house so the builder has kept me busy making him cups of tea, I swear this guy must have a bladder the size of Nicki Minaj's butt.  I have made him about 25 cups of tea in 4 days and he hasnt been to toilet yet, at least when hes working down here.  But yeah I am trying to keep busy and funny you should say that cause a friend of mine brought me down some chocolate cake, it was fantastic

  • Keep busy. Eat chocolate. Works for me.

  • Thanks longman, i'll take you up on that advice :D

  • Treat yourself...if you can afford it....whatever it is pleases whether it is window shopping without buying, or buying more of an indulgence than you would do normally. Or go somewhere you enjoy eating out, or cinema.

    There's no easy cure for that kind of anticipation anxiety.

    Good luck, hope all turns out well.