Loop Quiet earplugs are a game changer for sleep!

I just got some Loop Quiet earplugs for sleep and they're a game changer! I slept SO well last night! 

My Fitbit shows I nodded off pretty much instantly last night - which never happens - and even gave me a 90 score! I've never had that before!

If noises like neighbours walking around upstairs, the fridge humming etc keep you up at night, give these a try! Plus they come with lots of different sizes of earbud in the box so you can find your perfect fit!

  • I've been dealing with noisy neighbors, too, and it drives me nuts sometimes. I'll definitely check out those Loop Quiet earplugs.

  • I'm just back from a trip to London for a concert, which was the first time I wore my new Loops. They're brilliant- I could still hear everything clearly, but it wasn't overwhelming.

  • I was worried about this too when I got my loops as previously I've had trouble fitting earplugs (my ears seem to be smaller than standard) but surprisingly the standard size actually fit ok. You probably need a larger one for one ear

  • i used them at work when i was overly stressed and it helped. 
    the conveyor belt all the time next to you making a grinding noise does make you feel bad and stressy, then you have the other shift working next to us and they play super loud nightclub level volume music, and sometimes it can be all the same banging sound for hours straight, i dont get how anyone can like that.

    there was a time in our old depot where this guy was playing that type of music so loud that it was vibrating the walls of the cafeteria next to it and going through, when i saw the guy he was working and the speakers were right next to his head, cant understand how he could cope with that unless hes deaf.

  • They are a little little life saver aren't they? I have a pair and I use them at work, helps stop sensory overload and keeps me from all the chatter and noises of others at work. They are so useful that I don't think I could actually survive work without them. Spare pair in my bag, in case of emergencies.

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  • I'm in the same boat, I have to have some noise on so I can sleep otherwise it drives me mad and keeps me awake. 

  • Ditto - I always have something on when I go to sleep....for the same reason.

  • Yes, that is exactly what I was thinking - shutting off outside "real" sounds would only make the tinnitus even more noticeable. And for that exact reason I always have talk radio station playing in the background when I go to bed at night, so that there is something else to listen to rather just that damn ringing.

  • That's a pity, but good to know. Thanks

  • I have tinnitus which is a ringing in both ears 24/7 and when I'm stressed I get an added buzzing in there and from time to time I also hear my own heart beat in my ears (no nice). In my experience my loops do not help with my tinnitus. In fact, they turn down outside noise which can sometimes make my tinnitus more obvious to me as its the main thing I can hear if that makes sense? Hope this helps. 

  • Great question....a good few of us here are bothered by tinnitus....I'm ringing at the moment, pretty intensely.....it isn't nice at all....but I'm sure it's in response to the "clear out" that I'm currently engaged with which also isn't nice at all.

  • I'd never heard of Loop earplugs before, so I had a look on the website where they claim that the earplugs can also help with tinnitus.

    I'm not usually too bothered by daily noises (traffic, trains, etc) although the vacuum cleaner does trouble me, but only when its someone else using it. I'm ok if I am using it.

    Anyway, can anyone comment on the claim that Loops can help with tinnitus?

    I have constant ringing / high pitch noise in my right ear and occasionally left ear as well.

  • I agree. I’ve been using the Loop Quiet recently and they stay in my ears all night unlike standard foam earplugs. I’ve also noticed that I tend to get a dry / stuffy nose with normal earplugs but not with the Loops.

    I’ve ordered a set of Loop Engage earplugs now for use when I’m out and about.

  • i got myself some weird shaped silicone ear plugs, they work alight, although one ear cant be fully sealed as i think my ear hole is too big in one ear, probs needs a slight larger size for one ear than the other. 

  • .....not quite everyone...people do just drift away or disappear with a B O O M sometimes....I'm pleased that you are neither.

  • Hi number, great to see everyone here too

  • Hello Squid-meister.....lovely to see you back around again.

  • My loops are the best birthday present I have ever been given in my life.

    They come with me everywhere, they're so good at managing background sound. I have used them for train stations, family gatherings, exams (they can completely block a ticking clock), lectures, sleep, coaches the list goes on.

    They take out so much background noise but allow me to still hear the person I'm talking to. And mine have no electrical function which means I can use them in official stuff like exams.