Loop Quiet earplugs are a game changer for sleep!

I just got some Loop Quiet earplugs for sleep and they're a game changer! I slept SO well last night! 

My Fitbit shows I nodded off pretty much instantly last night - which never happens - and even gave me a 90 score! I've never had that before!

If noises like neighbours walking around upstairs, the fridge humming etc keep you up at night, give these a try! Plus they come with lots of different sizes of earbud in the box so you can find your perfect fit!

  • I'd never heard of Loop earplugs before, so I had a look on the website where they claim that the earplugs can also help with tinnitus.

    I'm not usually too bothered by daily noises (traffic, trains, etc) although the vacuum cleaner does trouble me, but only when its someone else using it. I'm ok if I am using it.

    Anyway, can anyone comment on the claim that Loops can help with tinnitus?

    I have constant ringing / high pitch noise in my right ear and occasionally left ear as well.

  • Great question....a good few of us here are bothered by tinnitus....I'm ringing at the moment, pretty intensely.....it isn't nice at all....but I'm sure it's in response to the "clear out" that I'm currently engaged with which also isn't nice at all.

  • Great question....a good few of us here are bothered by tinnitus....I'm ringing at the moment, pretty intensely.....it isn't nice at all....but I'm sure it's in response to the "clear out" that I'm currently engaged with which also isn't nice at all.

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