What do you drink?

I'm just curious - and nosy Grin sorry!

I'm curious to know what we all drink. I used to drink a lot of fizzy drinks and then I moved on to coffee but now I'm drinking tea and water. My doctors and nurses said tea and water were the healthiest drinks for me. I found this has helped my digestive system which I always used to struggle with. But I do still crave the sugary drinks but I only have one every now and then as a treat.

My daughter drinks water, squash and apple juice mostly. I try to keep fizzy drinks away from her as I don't want her digestive system upset or for her to encounter any other problems.

  • ex coffee junkie here, I used to drink 20+ espresso a day

    hectoliters (2-3l a day) of water with squeezed in lemon juice as a way to hydrate myself when at work, excercising, or overheating

    tea, often with lemon juice with 2nd breakfast

    cider, or rarely two ciders when meeting with friends, twice a month on average

    gin and tonic on occassion at home to relax, maybe once a month

  • I currently own more than 2000 teabags. I do so hate running out... 

  • I have now cutout  coffee and cola, I tend to drink quite a lot of tea or cranberry juice. On a hot day, fizzy water with orange squash is really nice. I have cutdown on alcohol a lot and only have a beer at weekends, I find alcohol can make me very depressed. I can’t drink the fizzy waters with a hint of something, they make me gag!

  • I drink tea.

    I avoid sugary fizzy drinks they have a negative effect on me and my body.

    Tea is healthy and it doesn't affect my stomach too badly.

  • 1 or 2 cups of coffee each day. I like the ritual of grinding beans each morning, plus using a nice quiet brewing method to create a good cup of coffee to start my day with. It’s less about the caffeine and much more about the smells, tastes and routines that mean I need this each day. It’s just incredibly satisfying. Outside of this, I drink a lot of water (both still and sparkling) and the occasional beer (once or twice every few months). If I could only pick one drink, I would choose water. It is the perfect drink really.

  • I drink no less than 10 spoons of instant coffee a day, sometimes up to 15. That equates to 2-3 litres of instant coffee per day. I always have a pint of water at bedtime with some multi-vits. Odd - but have been doing this for over 10 years now with no evident problems. Curiously, I can go a week or so with just one or two coffees (on holiday) will no I'll effects.

  • Not a lot to be honest.

    Drinking often makes me feel nauseas and upsets my stomach. I also don't particularly like the feel of swallowing stuff so that puts me off as well. 

    I go through phases of what I drink. Usually it'll be sugary the taste makes me more interested in drinking it. If it's bland then I'll usually avoid it. 

    I did used to drink tea but I can't anymore. Never drank coffee way too strong and bitter.

    Sometimes I'll have squash.

  • I drink a LOT of tea throughout the day  - PG tips, Nettle tea, and Twinings Calm tea. I drink pineapple juice at breakfast. No coffee - I absolutely hate coffee. 
    I went through a phase for about 5 years of drinking water full of finely crushed ice because I loved the texture so much. I had to give it up eventually as it was so not good for my teeth (!)

    In terms of alcohol - for years I used drink a cocktail that was Campari mixed with Prosecco and Cointreau. 
    Now I have the occasional Spiced Rum and Pinapple juice, or sometimes Tequila, Cointreau and orange juice.

    I only have one alcoholic drink per night (and not every night) - because I’m in my fifties now and being more careful about my health. 
    In the winter I like a hot chocolate with cream and marshmallows - so nice! 

  • Primarily fizzy sugar free drinks hah! Can and do drink pints of sugar free lemonade..I guess at least it is a fluid? I just don't really like other ones! I drank coffee for a while, but then drank too much of it and it made me feel sick. Some herbal teas are ok, nothing fruity, also have a hatred of drinks at 'the wrong' temperature. Can only drink water if it is night (i guess when my body realises it is dehydrated, takes me a while to realise, and then I guzzle it) or over 25 degrees or I am working out, otherwise I find it very blergh. Have a few specific alcohols I like, but it has to be 'the same' ones (just found out my favourite cider is being discontinued Disappointed ) so obvioulsy bulk bought a load!

  • Even with water I boil the kettle to do at least 60% hot

    I do this as well. I have a Smart kettle and it allows me to choose what temperature it boils to which is great for my OCD as it's got to be exactly right or I can't drink it. It's good as well because it means my little girl can't burn herself.

  • I'd say my beverage ratios are about 80% tea and 20% water. Maybe 70/30 actually. Once in a blue moon I'll take theh bottom of a glass of something fizzy but it holds little appeal mostly. My family are horrified that I drink tea with pretty much every meal, no matter what the dinner is. Apparently only certain dinners are 'tea' dinners (fry-up, chippy tea etc.)  but I just automatically make one with all of them. 

    I drink coffee when the tea bags run out. So almost never. I also don't like cold drinks. Even with water I boil the kettle to do at least 60% hot

  • Omg my mum loves lucozade she drinks it all the time Grin

  • I'm like that with fizzy sugary drinks I can't digest it easily and it makes me sick.

  • The main issue with fizzy drinks are artificial sweeteners which many with undiagnosed allergies and intolerances cannot digest is the type of sugar. Simple sugars and natural sugars like honey break down slowly, same with how the body turns vegetables, fruits, milks and grains into sugar. I don't seem to take issue with maple syrup or honey or even coconut sugar or dates. But given that sugar cane is a grass, I sometimes wonder if it causes problems as I can't digest most grasses or grains and am generally stuck to a FODMAP diet as a 'guide'. 

    I've noticed a difference between wines without added sulphites. Sugarcane and sweeteners are quite hard to steer clear from. For all the marketing against them, companies keep adding them to everything! From paracetamol to ham. I can't even work out why they're in fruit juice or jam - fruits are well enough sweet and actually taste much better without adding these things in.

    an Indian tonic is quite nice on occasion, as is mineral water. But I think the more interesting study here is if bubbles interfere with O2. While inflammation from a type of sugar can harm the gut, doubtful we'll understand the toxic effects of lab designed sweeteners for some time.

  • I don't drink many fizzy drinks as I am not keen on the excessive fizziness. As a child if I had lemonade out I always waited for the fizz to reduce. I enjoy coffee if it is not too strong and tried to avoid it for a while but missed it. I only have 2 a day and a few cups of tea. I also like fruit juice, but tend to add water to orange juice. I also drink a lot of water which helps me keep healthy.

  • I drink only water, hot water, and mint tea, and if I'm in a hard water area I can't do hot water or mint tea.

    I'm a really fussy drinker, and this was surprisingly disruptive in childhood, apparently water is really hard to obtain at primary school birthday parties? 

    I can't do any fizzy drinks at all, and I have a much better success rate at convincing people I will never drink alcohol when I explain that I'm a fussy drinker in general, but there are still a lot of people who are absolutely certain they know better.

  • I drink coffee alot, cant function without at least one cup in the morning, usually 2. I will switch to tea in the evening and have at least one cup after dinner before bed. I usually have a beer to unwind when I get home as well. Dont really go in for fizzy drinks but I do drink lucoazde most days as I love the flavour and it reminds me of childhood and my gran 

  • I drink tea and coffee in about equal proportions.

    With meals, I tend to drink fizzy water. At the weekend, I will have a glass or two of wine, usually with meals - I, like the Italians, always have glass of water alongside wine.

    If I'm feeling nostalgic for childhood I drink dandelion and burdock!