What do you drink?

I'm just curious - and nosy Grin sorry!

I'm curious to know what we all drink. I used to drink a lot of fizzy drinks and then I moved on to coffee but now I'm drinking tea and water. My doctors and nurses said tea and water were the healthiest drinks for me. I found this has helped my digestive system which I always used to struggle with. But I do still crave the sugary drinks but I only have one every now and then as a treat.

My daughter drinks water, squash and apple juice mostly. I try to keep fizzy drinks away from her as I don't want her digestive system upset or for her to encounter any other problems.

  • The main issue with fizzy drinks are artificial sweeteners which many with undiagnosed allergies and intolerances cannot digest is the type of sugar. Simple sugars and natural sugars like honey break down slowly, same with how the body turns vegetables, fruits, milks and grains into sugar. I don't seem to take issue with maple syrup or honey or even coconut sugar or dates. But given that sugar cane is a grass, I sometimes wonder if it causes problems as I can't digest most grasses or grains and am generally stuck to a FODMAP diet as a 'guide'. 

    I've noticed a difference between wines without added sulphites. Sugarcane and sweeteners are quite hard to steer clear from. For all the marketing against them, companies keep adding them to everything! From paracetamol to ham. I can't even work out why they're in fruit juice or jam - fruits are well enough sweet and actually taste much better without adding these things in.

    an Indian tonic is quite nice on occasion, as is mineral water. But I think the more interesting study here is if bubbles interfere with O2. While inflammation from a type of sugar can harm the gut, doubtful we'll understand the toxic effects of lab designed sweeteners for some time.

  • I'm like that with fizzy sugary drinks I can't digest it easily and it makes me sick.

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