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This surge in far-right violence is frightening me. I'm dreaming about it and having trouble focusing at the moment. My sensitivities seem to kick off badly when stuff like this is going on.

I keep away from the news best I can but it seems to be everywhere.

How do you deal with the issues out there today?

  • there are people who just wish to inflict harm and will come up with the justification later, or will try to engineer the justification, or will jump on board with an existing justification.

    Yep, that's true imo. 

    Looters also - people who see an opportunity to profit from the chaos. 

    Like in 2011 - people were rocking up all over London, breaking windows and looting - because it was an opportune time for a bit of rapid thievery without personal consequence. 

  • In the words of Alfred, "some people just want to see the world burn."

    Having encountered such an individual personally, I know first hand that there are people who just wish to inflict harm and will come up with the justification later, or will try to engineer the justification, or will jump on board with an existing justification. It is scary to think that this is the case, but it is true. It wouldn't matter if their grievances were addressed, as they would leap straight to something else.

    (PS - not looking for an argument here, just stating some bad first hand experience that I've had)

  • What are the facts  that you claim I'm ignoring? Can you be specific?

    I don't claim any facts - I was making reference to refusal to look at both sides of the situation.

    I agree that a victim is a victim as you state but my discussion point is to understand why the riots are happening to prevent them again in future.

    In the interests of preventing the spiral into an arguement that so often happens here I will not be replying further.

    The above only reflect my views that things are much more nuanced than you imply and require careful understanding for prevention to work.

  • What are the facts  that you claim I'm ignoring? Can you be specific?

  • Attempting to" both sides" this  issue shows a lack of knowledge of what's going on frankly.

    I don't think both sides are equal by any manner or means, but to ignore the idea completely is showing an ignorance of the facts.

    In the case of the riots is appears that this is the straw that broke the camels back and gave them excuse to vent whatever anger, hatred, vengence or whatever in particularly unpleasant ways.

    To acknowledge what has led to this is to key to understanding what is really going on and how to address it.

    Much like an autistic meltdown - you cant just say they had a meltdown because they are autistic and tell them to get over it. You have to understand what have been the stressers, the little traumas and influences that led to it in order to stop it from happening again this way.

    Note I am not equating autistic meltdowns to the riots, just the purpose of understanding the causes and how treating them can prevent future occurrances.

    For the record I have no sympathy for those perpetrating the violence here.

  • In situations like this you can't really controle it. All you can really do is relax, face the music and dance.

  • The far right exists. The far left exists. The current rioting was sparked by members of the far right maliciously posting false information.. It is far right driven, not far left driven.

  • I agree.  Attempting to" both sides" this  issue shows a lack of knowledge of what's going on frankly.  

    Today's reports are that a hate crime has taken place in Belfast.  The victim is a victim, not a side.

  • I just want to clarify that I didn't mean any offence with my previous comment.

    As autistic people, we all know that we're more likely than most to experience various difficulties with written communication (whether with writing and/or reading). I didn't mean to criticise your writing style - we should, of course, all do whatever works best for us.

    It was just that, in my case, my brain immediately rebels whenever it's faced with the prospect of having to process any large block of uninterrupted / unstructured text. I find it overwhelming, so normally just scroll past.

    In this case, I just skim-read it out of idle curiously, looking for a full stop - hence my jokey comment. I apologise for any upset caused .

  • I live in Scotland and I have heard quite a lot of anti-English bigotry during my time. There are also pockets of Protestant versus Catholic bigotry mainly in the Central Belt, often associated with football teams Rangers vs Celtic, Hearts vs Hibs etc.

  • Technically, it is still going on. I'll finish it here - "." There!

  • SPG - Now I'm thinking of Vyvyan in The Young Ones...

    I agree - no more laws needed.

    It's all so sad.

    I went to a White British / Pakistani Muslim wedding a few weeks ago, and it was beautiful. Everyone joining in and so joyous. Both families in the speeches saying how welcome and loved the new partner was. There was a great mix of music and everyone stayed on the dancefloor whether groom's Britpop or the really fun dancey music played for the bride. It was a good view of what life can be like when we embrace each other's differences.

  • Please excuse my autistic observation, but I believe that’s the longest single sentence that I’ve ever seen! ;)

  • I see the SPG, or Special Patrol Group is coming back, something I've not seen since the 1980's, heads will be broken if they get involved.

    I thought that trying to set fire to an hotel with people inside it was unforgivable and htose people should be charged with attempted murder and terrorism offences.

    One of the things I'm really glad about, is the lack of knee jerk reaction from Starmer, we don't need more laws, the ones already in place give the police the powers they need. Knee jerk laws are often poorly crafted as they're rushed through the scrutiny process and are often incompatible with other laws and cases breakdown. These laws are often more draconian as various politicians get up on thier hind legs to insist that their piece is heard and added, this is virtue signalling and an ego trip and makes for terrible law.

    I wish Elon Musk would wind his neck in too!

  • In other words, who can possibly make sense of evil - these past 4 years, I have learned that evil is a very real and very tangible force in our world and the only thing that keeps me going is my religious faith, not any one (corrupted) religious institution - before there was any concept of “mental health issues” everything was expressed in terms of religion and the Churches would have taken a leading role in this, urging people to pray for desired outcomes in times past 

  • What is being forced on us now is a form of communism, leftism, socialism and Marxism, which is also corporatist, with elements of fascism, but by leftists on behalf of their globalist deep state masters - they are not directly referring to it yet, but they are smearing real patriots as being “far right” to disguise the fact that they are “far left” and are acting on behalf of their globalist deep state masters - either way it is by design to collapse the concept of the nation state and the traditional family values system, most of which has been achieved in decades past by the infiltration and corruption of all the institutions through the “long March” through the institutions of state, government, courts, milltary, churches, etc 

  • We're all "in moderation" now...