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This surge in far-right violence is frightening me. I'm dreaming about it and having trouble focusing at the moment. My sensitivities seem to kick off badly when stuff like this is going on.

I keep away from the news best I can but it seems to be everywhere.

How do you deal with the issues out there today?

  • Aside from the label of “far-right” which is being used and which is unhelpful and inflammatory, being used by the media and the Labour government alike, in order to discredit and undermine the genuine concerns of (peaceful and lawful) protesters, while I do understand that people have legitimate rights to (peacefully) protest on genuine concerns, there is never any excuse for rioting - I’ve watched extensive footage of the rioting from all over the U.K. and Ireland in the past few days and it’s quite clear that legitimate, peaceful and lawful protests by protesters with genuine concerns have been infiltrated by groups of paid agitators (by whichever source) for the sole purpose of causing trouble (just like there is on the far left and with the Palestine protests) and these agitators are trying to force the government to introduce a police state and martial law in the U.K., which sadly is a certainty and is only a matter of time - we see similar anti-immigration protests in Ireland and we see the same two-tier policing is happening with the Gardai, as they want to have an easy excuse to bring in martial law and police state (which will happen in Ireland much sooner) and those who are rioting are knuckle dragging idiots who are dragging us all down with them - ever since the fall of communism in Russia and Eastern Europe, the Fall of the Berlin Wall, Glasnost and Perestrokia, I often wondered if communism would ever come to the west and both with 9/11 and with Covid, I saw the beginnings of this - leftists, especially the far left, have always wanted to restore a form of communism or Marxism with elements of fascism, bringing it to the west, even if this is on behalf of and in service to their globalist deep state masters - whether this has anything to do with Christianity v Islam v Judasiam or Zionism it is hard to tell, but one thing that I am sure of is that mankind throughout history has always had a huge propensity for self destruction, what with wars and conflicts - they talk about global warming, climate change, aliens, asteroid strikes, earth moving towards the sun’s increasing mass and gravitational pull, solar flares, etc, but a potential attempt to bring in martial law/police state to quell disorder could ignite civil war/all-out race wars (where immigrants in reality are just as much victims of this as we are, being used as pawns in sick and twisted war games) and this could spark a world war, as Ukraine/Russia, Palestine/Israel, China/Taiwan are just some of the countries in conflict and this could involve nukes - any countries that feel threatened and who hold nukes, in such a situation of global conflict, will not hesitate to use these and will show far less restraint than the US, NATO, Russia or China in doing so 

  • Please excuse my autistic observation, but I believe that’s the longest single sentence that I’ve ever seen! ;)

  • Technically, it is still going on. I'll finish it here - "." There!

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