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This surge in far-right violence is frightening me. I'm dreaming about it and having trouble focusing at the moment. My sensitivities seem to kick off badly when stuff like this is going on.

I keep away from the news best I can but it seems to be everywhere.

How do you deal with the issues out there today?

  • I feel disgusted and sickened by the rioting during recent days. What happened in Southport is truly heart-breaking, and I think it's appalling that the rioting appears to have been triggered by misinformation on social media about the perpetrator.

    Whilst no time is ever a good time for rioting, it seems especially disrespectful for it to been happening so soon after the deaths of those young girls. Rather than allowing the families and friends of those girls to mourn in peace, those involved in the rioting appear to have seized the opportunity to behave like mindless hooligans and cause so much unrest.

  • I see the SPG, or Special Patrol Group is coming back, something I've not seen since the 1980's, heads will be broken if they get involved.

    I thought that trying to set fire to an hotel with people inside it was unforgivable and htose people should be charged with attempted murder and terrorism offences.

    One of the things I'm really glad about, is the lack of knee jerk reaction from Starmer, we don't need more laws, the ones already in place give the police the powers they need. Knee jerk laws are often poorly crafted as they're rushed through the scrutiny process and are often incompatible with other laws and cases breakdown. These laws are often more draconian as various politicians get up on thier hind legs to insist that their piece is heard and added, this is virtue signalling and an ego trip and makes for terrible law.

    I wish Elon Musk would wind his neck in too!

  • I see the SPG, or Special Patrol Group is coming back, something I've not seen since the 1980's, heads will be broken if they get involved.

    I thought that trying to set fire to an hotel with people inside it was unforgivable and htose people should be charged with attempted murder and terrorism offences.

    One of the things I'm really glad about, is the lack of knee jerk reaction from Starmer, we don't need more laws, the ones already in place give the police the powers they need. Knee jerk laws are often poorly crafted as they're rushed through the scrutiny process and are often incompatible with other laws and cases breakdown. These laws are often more draconian as various politicians get up on thier hind legs to insist that their piece is heard and added, this is virtue signalling and an ego trip and makes for terrible law.

    I wish Elon Musk would wind his neck in too!

  • SPG - Now I'm thinking of Vyvyan in The Young Ones...

    I agree - no more laws needed.

    It's all so sad.

    I went to a White British / Pakistani Muslim wedding a few weeks ago, and it was beautiful. Everyone joining in and so joyous. Both families in the speeches saying how welcome and loved the new partner was. There was a great mix of music and everyone stayed on the dancefloor whether groom's Britpop or the really fun dancey music played for the bride. It was a good view of what life can be like when we embrace each other's differences.