Done something stupid and I regret it

Hi my friend blocked me on Thursday evening and I have been trying to find ways of contacting him as I’m the sort of person who wants to resolve things as quickly as possible back in February out of impulse and frustration me and the same friend argued he blocked me and I ended up going over his uninvited I only wanted to resolve the argument but instead made it worse as I pushed through boundaries. Me and my friend are close but we do have our arguments like we did on Thursday. Anyway long story short today out of impulse I bought a cheap smart phone and a pay as you go SIM card I then messaged him myself pretending to be my other friend and he took the bait. He basically said we are still friends but he wants space at the moment but was annoyed with the fact that he thinks I gave my friend his number which I didn’t it was me pretending to be my friend so I could find out what’s what. I am now regretting this as I used my friend as a pawn to get in contact with my other friend who isn’t speaking to me at the moment. I want to tell the truth now but I’m afraid that I’m going to cause more damage. My head is all over the place at the moment and I don’t know what to do. Should I tell the truth or just leave it be or should I wait a while before I tell the truth? 

  • Fess up to your friend about what you did. It might be tough, but it shows respect and maturity. They'll likely appreciate your honesty more than you think.

  • This is a lot of work, deception, and expenses, to just find out that your friend needs space and not your constant bombardment into their personal space. 

    Do you have attachment issues or control issues? Because what you've done just seems very extreme. I mean, buying a burner phone to mascarade as someone else, then getting rid of all the evidence, just sounds like something I'd hear from a movie. How'd you even come up with that? I would have just gone "well, my friend blocked me," and I wouldn't have talked to them for awhile. 

  • I wanted to tell her that was a poor strategy, but lacked the right words. 

    Well done Uhane. Spot on.

  • I can't remember whether I said this on another one of your threads a while back, but in case I had only thought it and not actually typed it, here goes....

    I think that your behaviour is simply NOT ON! Not only on this occasion, but also from other threads that you have posted.
    The thing is, one day you'll take it too far and do a lot of damage to someone. I'd also be cautious as you're probably threading a very fine line in terms of the legality of what you are doing - not only the deceitful phone bit, but also you could easily find yourself getting into BIG TROUBLE regarding harassment. 

    IIRC, your friend also has mental health and/or autism issues, in which case YOU HAVE TO STOP THIS!

  • You are discovering just how much work it is to lie, then to keep the lie going, not to mention all the collateral damage and self-sabotage. Your main concern is for yourself with no regard for your friends. 

    It sounds like your willfulness in getting in your own way.

    You had hit bottom - now, instead of climbing out with contrition, you've started digging!

  • I have been thinking about this and as far as I’m aware my friend who wants space doesn’t realise it was me that text him so I will keep it at that and I won’t tell my other friend that I used as a pawn either I have spoken to another good friend of mine and she agrees to keep this who thing a secret I will also destroy my SIM card I used and sell the phone so the evidence will be gone. 

  • id back off and wait. deny it if it ever comes up, never tell him that as it will likely cause a issue. thats what id do anyway. there is never any fix or benefit to telling him this, only more relationship breakdown and cut off.

    so its best to wait and give him the room he says he wants. sounds like he is ok with you and needs time and will be friends and contact you again. just dont tell him you did this or else he may not be friends with you again lol dont tell anyone, not even your other friend, remain ignorant of it, you dont even know about this text even if he questions you about it and becomes suspicious and even if he asked the other friend you claimed to be and he denies its him and then they start suspecting and questioning you... id still play ignorant and deny it... they cannot throw a relationship if you deny and claim ignorance of it... but if you let the ball slip its you, i dunno man, it could push them both farther away.

  • Do nothing. Just nothing. Really. Nothing.

    Leave your friend alone and honor his wish for time and space.

    Take that seriously. Apologize for invading his boundaries without making excuses.

    Just apologize.

    Damage happens as we feel our way forward. Let that damage

    register for what it was and use it as a cautionary tale for the future.

    Then - forgive yourself and let time reveal what that future becomes.

  • He basically said we are still friends but he wants space at the moment but was annoyed with the fact that he thinks I gave my friend his number which I didn’t it was me pretending to be my friend so I could find out what’s what.

    I'm with I Sperg on this one - you need to back off and let him cool down.

    With luck he will miss you and this should lead to him making up in time and things returning to a sort of normal, but if he catches you doing that stuff with imitating another friend to get to him then he will kick you to the kerb relationship wise and with good cause.

    In your shoes I would tell the friend you impersonate and beg for their mercy as it is likely to come out in time and you will be seen as the villan. Tell this other friend that you are in pieces over it and apologise like you mean it.

    Chances are you have completely blown in with your first friend so you better get ready to reap what you sewed. Learn from this and try to not do it again.

  • You needed to have used a little more patience, and less intelligence to solve that one.

    Now you've acted like a manipulative twit, and backed yourself into a bit of a corner (AS I SEE IT, as an older man). 

    Nothing in my experience that can't be fixed by a bit of straight talking and apologising, and above all, admitting your wrongdoing.

    AFTER a period of cooling off and reflection...

    As a brighter AUDD person I found it initially easy to manipulate people for my own ends, but the monent you get "caught" doing it, people like you less, unless you have a very fast and slippery tongue, like a psychopath does.

    For us Autists I am convinced that honesty and simplicity and generosity of spirit in our dealings with others, is a crucial survival mechanism. It's a big part of why my Christian knowledge is actually useful to me.

  • Tell the truth and explain that it was hurting you not being able to sort things out and that you missed him.

    If you don't, he could find out another way, then it will look worse than it does now.