I feel like giving up

I've had a hard life and I don't think anyone cares. Everyone thinks we all have problems, blah blah blah. But there are actually some people who have had it worse than others. I just think too many people are stupid and careless and I'm sick and tired of putting up with people patronising me and ignoring genuine needs while I am seemingly heading into oblivion, to die alone.

  • Yep. It's true what they say. 

  • For what it's worth, I care, and it looks like some people here do as well. I've had a hard life. I can understand too a degree how you're feeling and I know how hard it is to get up every day and keep going, hoping for things to change and get better. I think it's the hope that keeps us going.

    Have you considered getting a pet like a cat? I find it easier talking to cats and interacting with them. Humans are hard work, a big mystery to me but cats are nice and real . There's no side to them and they make the best company.

    Feel better soon. Keep smiling. We're here for you.

  • Some good ideas there, thank you for sharing. Sorry about your sister. I will try to keep the faith. There must be good in humanity. We evolved from beasts that only know how to hunt and kill one another, so there must be something

  • Hmm, perhaps. Like when the Europeans went over the sea to America? Some of them died but the ones that survived got some fruitful bounty

  • Thank you. I wish you well, you have a good heart

  • Well , thank you, I appreciate your response. Frankly I feel it's more to do with Roswell's apparent immunity.

  • I bid you a good night potato.  Others will judge if they chose to, I will try not to......merely note.

  • People can have opinions but I think your replies (at the moment) are very unnecessary. Youre honestly just being a jerk

  • Resonance.

    It is a hard thing to understand.

    It transcends political boundaries, national boundaries, boundaries of religion, boundaries of gender.

    You either feel it, or you don't.  No judgement either way.  It is just "a thing."

    Apologies to you if you consider these words "pretentious crap" too.  So be it, I can only speak honestly.

  • You don't like self-assessments. That'll explain the constant use of ....

    It's ellipsis, do you understand? ...............................

    You want the spotlight. 

  • He's ultra-conservative. Does that really need explaining? Roswell keeps holding this forum to ransom. Time and time again. The same process, over and over. I don't understand why his posts get so many messages when new members go ignored.

  • Just to ram the potato home, I imagine.  Just a spotlight then.

  • but I do like to understand why "heat and light" is apparent to others.

    That's pretentious crap.

  • OK.  Well thank you.  You tell me all I need to know at this point.  I will reflect.  Thank you for taking the time.

  • That's a comment that ignores his previous threads. All of them. The many complaining, whining, and blaming people in this forum. I appreciate the defensiveness, but it's in support of a dull project. 

    Roswell regularly holds this forum up on ransom with these, frankly, moronic claims. And then people pander to it. No one else on this forum gets as much support, for whatever absurd reason. 

    ut can you highlight the "ultra-conservative" nature of whatever post you are referring

    Yes. Look at his backlog. As I highlighted, in my comment, that he stated science is to blame for social ills.

    If you like to learn, don't jump to inane conclusions. And if you don't want to generate firction...... don't...... use ellipsis beyond maniacal reason...

  • Golly.  That's strong!  Do you think it is all politics.....or perhaps something more fundamental?  Are you really kicking a fellow human, when they are evidently "down"?

    I mean this with no edge (whatsoever, sincerely).....but can you highlight the "ultra-conservative" nature of whatever post you are referring to for me please Baked Potato?  It genuinely is not self-apparent to me in this thread.

    I do like to learn......and hate to perpetuate / generate additional friction.......but I do like to understand why "heat and light" is apparent to others.

  • I just think too many people are stupid and careless and I'm sick and tired

    This is coming from you who, in a previous thread, blamed science on all modern failings.

    Stupidity and carelessness are born from demagogues, such as spending 13 years under ultra-conservative rule. Like right now in the UK and the devastating consequences. Look back to Thatcher in the '80s and beyond, the same thing. Net result? Conservatives blaming everyone everyone else for the problems they create. Blah blah blah. 

    As with so many of these ultra-conservative posts that drag us back to Medieval times, they're total horse ***.

  • Whatever works Peter......the key is to keep moving forward.  All the platitudes and "harder nosed advice" all pull in the same direction = hope, perseverance !

  • I’ve heard this whatever doesn’t kill you makes you stronger logic before. Doesn’t really apply to physical obstacles though does it? No one says: polio, what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.

    you don’t have to love challenges life has brought to you. you do need to acknowledge that your best bet of rising above them it’s not giving up and taking a fresh approach every day to solving your problems one by one.

  • I get bad days. Being brutally honest, sometimes i just want to die. Sounds dramatic but its how i feel......what i do know is that.....it passes and i come out of it. You have to do something you REALLY enjoy. Unfortunately, you cant change other people. Only your way of thinking and perception of them. You just have to care less about what they think and act. Imagine them as clowns or something funny. It works!