I feel like giving up

I've had a hard life and I don't think anyone cares. Everyone thinks we all have problems, blah blah blah. But there are actually some people who have had it worse than others. I just think too many people are stupid and careless and I'm sick and tired of putting up with people patronising me and ignoring genuine needs while I am seemingly heading into oblivion, to die alone.

  • Don't give up man. The storm is fierce and it can feel like it will never end but remember every storm will end. As Number said, on the other side you will be stronger, and generally wiser.
    You will be able to look back on this storm and next time life throws one your way you can remember that you got through the last storm.

    Look for the positives in your life as well, don't focus on the negatives because negativity breathes negativity and will pull you down further.

    If people patronise you.... Screw them. They haven't taken the time to know you and they aren't worth your worry or thinking time. People like that are best left forgotten.

    I remember that overall, life is not as bad as it could be. I live in a pretty good time to be alive. I have a pretty nice place to live in. I have a decent job. I have my health more less.

    The biggest loss in my life so far has been my sister. I try not to focus on that, I focus on the good stuff. 

    I find things to be grateful for and appreciative of. If I were to look for things I don't have, that would depress me, so I focus on what I do.

    To help fight depression as well, I've found from my own experience it's great to have goals. Social goals, professional goals, educational goals, goals in my hobbies and more. Whatever goals appeal to you. These keep me driven and constantly learning more/doing more.

    And keeping busy and distracted is good. It keeps you moving, breathing, and it fights against depression and anxiety.

    I also find writing down what's upsetting me helps a lot. Write it down and ask yourself what you would say to a close friend/family member who said the same thing to you.

    Keep the faith man, hold on to that hope and know you are not alone in how you are feeling.

  • I know what you mean. Ive had my fair share of feelings/experiences being dismissed. 

    I do know that people do care about you though. I think perhaps people dont always know what to say or how to help. Even if they want to. Maybe even especially when they want to. It can be hard to know what to do and theres always the risk of making it worse.
    Im unsure on what to say but I hope you are able to get better
  • In my experience sir.....if you can find the fortitude to weather the storm, then when you come out the other side.....you will be stronger than you ever imagined possible.

    Oblivion is what you sense when within the storm, where as, when you come out the other side, you will know calm.  It's worth the battle.

    Just my opinion.....for what that's worth.