Pretending to be normal

Does anyone else feel that they can pretend like they're normal for a short amount of time (and actually cope quite well like a regular person in the outside world) but after a couple of weeks the effort is too much and you crash and burn out and cant "be normal" anymore?

  • Yes! If only "normal" people could understand how exhausting this is!

  • Those that matter don't mind, those who mind don't matter.

    Wise words.

  • I have managed 49 years undetected. Even to myself!

    I too had a moment 2 years ago with my dad suffering an aneurism and huge stroke. He was a very fit and healthy man and my best friend as well as an amazing dad. He did miraculously survive but it has been tough for me to forget. I seemed to have one thing after another since that happened and now realising I’ve always been different/masked. I would love to be able to drop that mask for a couple of days to see what it’s like.

    Unfortunately my partner doesn’t want to even discuss the subject so mask it is. 
    I am only guessing but I think unmasking for me would be energy conservation, sleep and just nothing. 

  • I think that depends. Solitude can be very harmful. Physical hurt is easier to heal than mental/emotional in my opinion. But alot of bullying now days is verbal instead of physical so I think solitude would be a better choice until you are in an environment that is more mature. Constant masking can be hard to undo though. Im not sure there is a better option

  • Yes this is something I do most days. I work in a preschool nursery and I have to pretend to be normal "mask" to get through the day, and talk to my colleagues, and the parents. When I get home I am exhausted and literally collapse into bed where I'll stay for the rest of the night if I can.

  • That's not difficulty, that's wisdom. Every non-masking ASD I met was cruelly bullied and exploited by everybody else. It's better to suffer a bit of solitude than being beaten or robbed. 

  • I have been trying to hide it for 55 years and look normal. I just knew I was diffrent as a kid (nobody knew about ASD in the 70's) and being diffrent ment being bullied. I have no idea who autistic me really is. I get some glimpses but it is all a bit of a mystery really. I was very good at masking until 2020 when I lost my dad, put mum in a care home, cleared their house of 40 years and delt with Covid. That breakdown stripped away all my masking skills, I am now a diffrent person and more of autistic is being revealed. I nolonger do things that I find difficult like seeing lots of people, I give myself much more me time.

  • Newly diagnosed at 57. Feels like I’ve masked all my life. In my quiet time. I just thought everyone went quiet now and again. Still trying to get my head around this a bit more. This all feels strange and alien. Or am I just strange and alien. I don’t know. All my friends are sound. Couple of blokey comments. Family are cool. My son’s not. 2 out of 3s not bad I suppose 

  • Hi MM - how's the quitting going? Blush

  • Yup!  It's called masking and is guaranteed to exhaust you and burn you out.

    These days I just try explaining to people why I do stuff differently and carry on my way. Those that matter don't mind, those who mind don't matter.

  • take care of not getting too close to anybody

    It’s taken me a life time to realise that my difficulty in making friends is in very large part because of exactly this - deliberately keeping people at a distance so they won’t find out too much.

  • Thanks, the link is interesting. I liked the comparison with the "closet". In fact, being an ASD today is like being a gay man in the '70. Either you learned to hide it very well, or you find a social niche where it was tolerated. In the meantime, you hide your true nature and take care of not getting too close to anybody to keep yourself from slipping up.

  • Hi Pegg.
    Just to say " Hi "
    I was hanging out some washing earlier,and you sprang to mind for some reason !

  • You felt the effects of Masking and you are ready to explode ?
    Doe's this have anything to do with your previuous post about your " Todger " ? ?  ?

  • I hate having to mask also.
    I just wish the Banks would hand over the money with no fuss....
    It's a hard life huh ? 

  • Yeah. But then I didn't have to, because there was just me and the dog in my world. 

    And that was better, and felt normal, in a way that pretending to be never had. 

    In my current small-world life, people know that I'm not like them, and that helps, but I Still have to do some pretending, because if you go out into the world at all, you do. 

  • I hear you.  I know us.  It's all cool, no matter which way you cut it.

  • Thanks for the warm welcome as always Number.

    I think I have to accept that I will continue to have long stretches of silence on here even though I have been on here almost every day since my last post an age ago. Another point of reflection and learning.

  • For me, that is most of the battle.


    And welcome back CG Woodman !  Always a pleasure.