Christmas night out

Just back from my work’s Christmas night out. Feeling very deflated. Watching everyone dancing and having fun, I felt like an alien or a ghost. Totally uninvolved with what was going on. And now I probably won’t speak to another human except a supermarket worker until January Worried

Life shouldn’t be this way. I deserve better.

  • Come on matey, you make me look like the Grinch! I was just showing you some dark humour. Dark humour is like medical care: some people will just never get it, har har har!

  • I’m sorry to feel you need to leave. I really appreciated your posts here and your thoughtfulness.

    I hope you’ll reconsider and return to us Worried

  • No you weren’t. You told them to embrace solitude and that they are going to get more and more lonely, and laughed at their situation. Literally the least helpful response ever. 

    im the least stuck up person ever. I am not your mate, I would never consider that role. I was just trying to offer someone who was distressed some empathy and some suggestions of how to move forward. You just swooped in and criticised like you ALWAYS do. You seriously need to have a think about the posts that you write here to people that are sometimes struggling and feeling fragile. You are an awful human being. 

    Anyways, I’m out of here. I do not want to spend my time conversing with people so full of hatred and malice. I came on here to find like minded people, people that struggled with similar things that I was, to support each other on the journey. You ruin it every time.

    Everyone else… look after yourselves, hope you all find a way to enjoy the Christmas period. Thanks for all the support and advice you’ve offered during my short time here xx

    Shame people have to ruin it. 

  • Matey matey do not be so stuck up. I was advising Amerantin on how to avoid a potentially embarrassing situation.

  • Hope you’re feeling a bit better today? 
    Don’t give yourself so much pressure… the new year, new you thing is so hard. Just take baby steps, but make sure it’s within your comfort zone or you will make yourself worse. Take Care of yourself :) 

  • I am not your mate. 
    I was talking about going to a coffee shop, not about social gatherings. 

  • Thanks everyone. Friday night floored me to be honest and I just couldn’t  talk over the weekend but I suppose iit’s been a wake up call for me. Thanks for your thoughtful responses. 

  • Thanks Sloan. Sorry for not responding sooner but I had a bit of a major shutdown over the weekend.

    I need to take a different approach to life in the  new year. At least I have time to think about it over the Christmas break.

  • Since when do you have to be invited to a coffee shop?? It’s quite normal to sit in a coffee shop with a drink and with headphones on, so I don’t get your point. You make no sense. 

    Mate, we were talking about social gatherings, not about going to a coffee shop alone.

  • LoL, that's a sure way to make everybody else uncomfortable and to not be invited again.

    Since when do you have to be invited to a coffee shop?? It’s quite normal to sit in a coffee shop with a drink and with headphones on, so I don’t get your point. You make no sense. 

    You strike me as the least happy person going. At every opportunity you criticise others, you put people down, come on here and troll. I don’t believe a happy person would treat other people like that.  Laughing at other people’s difficulties and struggles is really not appropriate. I hope the original poster has ignored your comments.. and it’s not made them feel worse about themselves and the situation. 

  • A corporate drone once advised me to walk away from those parties as soon as the ladies start drinking. I wonder why he told me that, he never elaborated. 

  • What I find strange is some people you think of as being quiet or sort of normal, add alcohol and they turn into gremlins!

    I know... it's like they forget about their usual work selves.

    I went to one, when I worked in London, where the bosses' PA got drunk and started telling anyone who'd listen exactly what she thought of the management...

    It was sad - at least I thought so. She didn't come back after Christmas. 

  • I have a full time job and I rent privately. If that is not proof of being high functioning, I do not know what it is.

  • Work Christmas parties are like that for me as well. I stopped going to them because rather than making me feel involved and social it just increased my isolation and depression.

  • Isolation clearly hasn't done you any good, as you're resorting to puerile trolling at randoms online.

    That level of bitterness your presenting here is just your anger and frustration. You'd be better off doing something about it instead of wallowing and then venting with these misanthropic outbursts.

    It's really quite tedious. 

    And on that other thread you're there claiming you're "high functioning". I'm afraid your behaviour doesn't back that up. 

  • Hi Amerantin. I'm sorry to hear you had such a hard time at your works Christmas night. I had a very similar experience at my own work Christmas party just a week ago. It feels so isolating and exhausting doesn't it?

    Give yourself credit for trying, for showing up. It takes courage to do that alone. I'd recommend trying to find a volunteer opportunity in your area. Maybe something in a environment you know won't through up as many difficulties? Even if it's a once every couple weeks thing, the interactions with people can help so much.

    You are right. You do deserve better. Be kind to yourself and better can come. It is never easy, but It will come. 

    Take care. 

  • I remember my mother telling me about some of her work socials. How colleagues she had perceived as being straight-laced would behave in ways she never would have imagined once the drink was flowing.

  • ” I come here to earn money, not to make friends, if that happens along the way then fine but I don’t seek friendshi

    Same for me. Too bad that having a career is 90% connections and brown nosing, 7% seniority and 3% technical skills

  • You can sit right in the corner, headphones on, get a familiar ‘safe’ drink, take something to keep your hands occupied etc

    LoL, that's a sure way to make everybody else uncomfortable and to not be invited again.

    I fail to see how it is funny in the slightest.

    LOL, it is incredibly funny because they are the same difficulties I had as a young man. In 2000 I decided that I could not fit socially, and checked out. I have not had a non-work related interaction since 2000,, and I have never been so happy in my life. If I knew that it was so easy, I would have checked out at 12.