Christmas night out

Just back from my work’s Christmas night out. Feeling very deflated. Watching everyone dancing and having fun, I felt like an alien or a ghost. Totally uninvolved with what was going on. And now I probably won’t speak to another human except a supermarket worker until January Worried

Life shouldn’t be this way. I deserve better.

  • Hi Amerantin. I'm sorry to hear you had such a hard time at your works Christmas night. I had a very similar experience at my own work Christmas party just a week ago. It feels so isolating and exhausting doesn't it?

    Give yourself credit for trying, for showing up. It takes courage to do that alone. I'd recommend trying to find a volunteer opportunity in your area. Maybe something in a environment you know won't through up as many difficulties? Even if it's a once every couple weeks thing, the interactions with people can help so much.

    You are right. You do deserve better. Be kind to yourself and better can come. It is never easy, but It will come. 

    Take care. 

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