Christmas night out

Just back from my work’s Christmas night out. Feeling very deflated. Watching everyone dancing and having fun, I felt like an alien or a ghost. Totally uninvolved with what was going on. And now I probably won’t speak to another human except a supermarket worker until January Worried

Life shouldn’t be this way. I deserve better.

  • lol it will only get more lonely as you age. I have not seen any of my colleagues in six months since I am working from home, and I flat out refused to attend the Christmas party. Embrace solitude

  • I don’t think “LOL” is a very appropriate response to someone who has clearly struggled with social interaction, I fail to see how it is funny in the slightest.

    You don’t have to get more lonely as you age.  try not to be so hard on yourself. The whole lead up to Christmas is a lot for anyone to deal with, let alone someone who is neurodivergent. It’s also Friday, so I imagine it’s the end of a long work week. On a Friday after a week at work, all I want to do is go home and switch off from everyone and everything. Also work Christmas nights out are just really hard to cope with… it’s a different environment, with people you’re used to seeing in a different environment, there’s often alcohol involved, lights, dancing, lots of noise, conversation, music, food you may not be used to or don’t have any control over. Well done for even going, be proud of yourself for tackling such a big thing. 

    Maybe wait for a time that involves less demands on your senses, at a time when you’re well rested, in a familiar place, with less people, and try doing something on a much smaller scale, like go to a coffee shop and grab a drink. You can sit right in the corner, headphones on, get a familiar ‘safe’ drink, take something to keep your hands occupied etc but just take things one step at a time, and don’t be too hard on yourself. :) 

  • You can sit right in the corner, headphones on, get a familiar ‘safe’ drink, take something to keep your hands occupied etc

    LoL, that's a sure way to make everybody else uncomfortable and to not be invited again.

    I fail to see how it is funny in the slightest.

    LOL, it is incredibly funny because they are the same difficulties I had as a young man. In 2000 I decided that I could not fit socially, and checked out. I have not had a non-work related interaction since 2000,, and I have never been so happy in my life. If I knew that it was so easy, I would have checked out at 12. 

  • Come on matey, you make me look like the Grinch! I was just showing you some dark humour. Dark humour is like medical care: some people will just never get it, har har har!

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