How adult is the adult section allowed to be?

What are the rules around that?

  • Former Member, Ed Byrne was a regular on 'Mock The Week', which was must-see TV for me before it was axed. 

    I have seen him twice on stand-up tours and find his observations on life rather amusing and relatable.

    Rodney Dangerfield is not a comedian I have heard of, but having just googled him, he looks familiar.

  • Or we don't want to admit we were thinking about something:

    1. 'silly': 'If I filled this room with balls it would make a great ball pit,' or
    2. 'pervy': 'Your sisters dress is showing more cleavage than yours, wish you'd take fashion tips from your sister.'
  • I can't decide if I've seen Ed Byrne or not. I think I was going to go and then didn't . But I have seen a full live show on tv.

    Rodney Dangerfield : "Take my Wife. No, please, take her!"

    I don't have a wife.

  • I have heard it said that if a woman wants a man to do something, she has to plant the idea in his head and let him think it was his idea. However, the jury is out as to how true this is.

    In addition, I have also heard it said that if a woman wants a man to agree to something that he is unlikely to agree to (i.e. something likely to cost him a lot of money), the best time to ask is when he is... um... in the throes of passion. Again, I have no idea how true this is.

    According to the comedian Ed Byrne, if a woman asks a man what he is thinking, and he responds with, "Nothing!", he literally does mean that he isn't thinking about anything. Now, I know that Ed Byrne has ADHD, but not ASD as far as I know. Therefore, I question if it is possible for an ASD man to ever not be thinking about something. Grin

  • I do think Men are easier to understand than women but then I'm a Man, so I probably just have a natural understanding of other Men.

  • Women can find understanding men very challenging indeed, I've watched mine struggle so hard with the challenge..

    Generally I've found that my sex seems to more commonly have deficits when it comes to "reading the room" correctly. 

    I'll go as far as to say that young men generally have more difficulty understanding women, and young women have more difficulty controlling men but as we grow older those difference tend to get ironed out by learned experience.

    As for arguing, not right now, thanks.

    I have a person in my life who seems to have seriously bought into the Flat Earth mindworm which is a set of carefully constructed and clearly evidence based argument that we do in fact live on a disc with an ice wall around the edge and a firmament above through which no spacecraft can penetrate. I think I've finally got him to accept that there can actually be only one right answer, and that simple geometry and a study of published city to city distances (IF they underreported those, then aeroplanes would fall out of the sky all the time though incorrect fuel loadings so the published distances for airline flights HAVE to be true) will show which model is correct. But my god, it's taken me a while to figure that out. 

    I tried pointing out that many of the early forms of radio communication only worked in the context of a globe earth and an ionosphere and that IF the earth was truly flat the'yd need a lot less TV towers, but no one has the foundation knowledge to really understand the explanation, so I had to have something that would work using just a globe a flat earth map, some calipers and knowing the distances between a few distant cities.

    He still wont have it!

  • I like the way you worded that! Relaxed

  • I'm glad you stopped there I thought I was going to have to hit the report button for a second :D 

  • I will attempt to word this carefully, but it has just occurred to me that if someone posted on the forums that certain adult activities were wrong, and that everyone must abstain, then it could be argued that they were promoting self-neglect.

    At the time of typing this comment, it is after the 9pm watershed (UK time). Therefore, I am not ashamed or embarrassed to admit that within the context of this 'adult' discussion, I do not practice or encourage self-neglect. Wink

    That is as much as anyone needs to know... for now, within this discussion. If I were to elaborate on the precise details of how I do not practice self-neglect, it could then be deemed as graphic and obscene.

  • , I never assume stick people are wearing clothes unless it is obvious that they are wearing clothes.

    Not quite sure what that says about me. Laughing

  • , One could argue that women can find it just as challenging to understand the opposite sex. Wink

  • I am hoping Former Member will correct me if I am wrong, but I believe they meant adult as in the 'birds and the bees' (AKA sex and all things sex-related).

    Unless the rules have changed, one has to be at least 16 to be a member here, which is the age one is legally permitted to have sex in the UK. Therefore, it could be argued that such discussions would be 'safe' for the members here, due to being 16 and older.

    What is confusing is that the community rules are open to interpretation. Hence why I think Witchdocta felt compelled to ask the question they did.

  • o Yes.

    Read the book I recommend in my bio, I went from "incel" to "Interesting" in days simply through reading and understanding Transactional Analysis & it made me a better human being as well as helping me get my leg over. YMMV of course, but it's a good tool.

    With the knowledge of how basic human relationshiips actually work, Marriage & kIds is then easier to accomplish, keeping it all together in this chaotic world, not so easy.  

    I'm assuming you are seeking a hetero normative relationship, and in that context I have to warn you that actually understanding the opposite sex (particularly if you are a man) is a lifetime of work, study, and at time improvisation. even with the aid of T.A.and the rewards and pitfalls make it a bit of a roller coaster ride. 

  • define "adult topic" please. Are talking from pubescence onward?

  • I think my entire life is a potential glorification of self neglect. I should be banned

  • Exactly. What's 'graphic'. A logo is a kind of graphic. I'm asuming they are talking about showing genitals things like genitals, serious injury or sugery maybe. But at it's root graphic just means a thing has been depicted in an image. Obscene is similarly subjective. Do they mean colloquially obscene or legaly obscene? Because in R v Peacock a guy seling DVDs of home made extreem gay BDSM porn out of his back door was deamed not obscene. If it's colloquially obscene the term is going to vary masivly depending on who you ask. At least defermation and liable have long standing legal definitions and case law to show where the line is. They might have been on safer ground with pornographic as oposed to obscene but that wouldn't catch, for example, educational material like images of sugery or medical exams for example.

  • Adult chat should be ok if it's within the rules :)

    But I do feel the rules should be more specific because everyone's idea of "adult" is different in my opinion.

    "Content must not be graphic, obscene, defamatory or libellous. It must not encourage, promote or glorify any forms of self-harm of self- neglect."

  • I can't see why it would. After all you just asume stick men (or women) are wearing cloathes even if you never see them drawn.

  • Statistically supermodels are taller than The average man. And I’m not that tall.

    also in an art package it’s harder to make 2 unequally sized circles than equally sized ones.

    however lots of my friends have been really well endowed. One of my best friends was a double G cup. It’s actually more common to have more modestly endowed supermodels.

    but be my guest please do illustrate your ideal man.

  • Why do I find myself thinking that it is no accident that your head is more or less parallel with your well-endowed supermodel's chest shelf?... So perfectly rounded and equal in size that one is inclined to think her 'shelf' is not natural.

    Is it any wonder that some females get fed up with having to tell some males, "That's not where my face is!" when they are conversing!!!

    I feel so very tempted to do my own artist's impression of my idea of a perfect male supermodel... just to get my own back and level the playing field. Stuck out tongue winking eye