How adult is the adult section allowed to be?

What are the rules around that?

Parents Reply
  • Why do I find myself thinking that it is no accident that your head is more or less parallel with your well-endowed supermodel's chest shelf?... So perfectly rounded and equal in size that one is inclined to think her 'shelf' is not natural.

    Is it any wonder that some females get fed up with having to tell some males, "That's not where my face is!" when they are conversing!!!

    I feel so very tempted to do my own artist's impression of my idea of a perfect male supermodel... just to get my own back and level the playing field. Stuck out tongue winking eye

  • Statistically supermodels are taller than The average man. And I’m not that tall.

    also in an art package it’s harder to make 2 unequally sized circles than equally sized ones.

    however lots of my friends have been really well endowed. One of my best friends was a double G cup. It’s actually more common to have more modestly endowed supermodels.

    but be my guest please do illustrate your ideal man.