How adult is the adult section allowed to be?

What are the rules around that?

  • You have dug up gold, once again m'dear.

  • I think it's more a rhomboid shape, the varied angles still adding up to 360%. It's also an ever shifting rhomboid.  Euclid, what a romantic, each day a different outlook, different axiom.

  • I would not mind an aesthetic discussion on the cultural contributions and merits of John Oliver's Rat Sex art. That would be the adult thing to do.

    (jus' funnin')

  • huzzah!

    OK sassy pants.

    Let's roll to see who goes first.

    Do we need a pungent master for this?


  • thanks dear Sparkly, This is what I do, yes. Look away at some other thread.

    Imagine:  Me on a some sultry hot veranda on the Indian subcontinent, with some coves in the 1920s'. Jeeves has just brought the refreshments. I'm tossing off a few "I, for one, would.." lacquered cigarette holder, long as my arm, waving like a conductor's baton in my languid hand. 

  • , As with all the discussions on the forums, nobody is forced to participate in them. Therefore, members who felt that discussing 'adult' topics would cause them to feel vulnerable and exposed could just steer clear of participating in such discussions.

    This is something I have said elsewhere on the forums... If there was a private opt-in forum, it would be ideal for discussions that may be likely to trigger other members. Even better if it could be set up so that the discussions posted there didn't appear in the list of most recent discussions on the Community home page.

  • One bad player reporting for duty, sah!

  • Oh you're heading for a rare forum instant ban posting obscene images like that. Wink

  • Adult is different for everybody. In my opinion the rules should be more specific.

    Like is this too far? Stuck out tongue

  • Have you watched "Please Like Me"? It is a tender coming of age show about an autistic lad coming to terms with his being gay.

  • I wouldn't myself, be comfortable talking about it in the forums but would PM with my friends instead if it felt right. there is soo much trauma around sex that to draw people into a public thread about it would make many feel vulnerable and exposed, if they were to truly express them selves. Subjects such as rape and gray-area consent while autistic are very hard to parse. Another thing is the extent that such a thead might go swanky or salacious: It only takes one bad player to ruin it and cause undue trauma to others. 

    In short I would balk at such a thread myself.

  • And mash Thumbsup  My favourite song by them at the time was Push It Slight smile

  • how has your comment not been removed for being fascist?

    heres a hint, because the fascists lost so we have free speech and humor, ofcourse young generations are slipping back into fascism these days so its like walking on egg shells, you cant have fun your cant make friends your not allowed to be do or say anything without running it through your government overseers to see if its correct? lol

    i mean if we want to go there fine.... lets have the police raid each others house and look for innapropriate content.... oh, you have 50 shades of grey book? sorry thats innapropriate as it depicts bondage and glorifies bad things im not even allowed to spell in this censored state.... oh, any content or books based on the victorian era? sorry thats all banned because it depicts chattel slavery and serfdom.... you will find all of the things you like are dark underneath and if we go full political correct everything you love shall be banned and burned....although if we banned stuff like that we considered bad or depicting anything remotely connected to anything possibly bad... then we lose all definition of what good if anyway and then the good becomes bad... perhaps this is then what causes societal collapse and people turning on one another for little to no reason as the good then attack the good in absence of true bad and in seeking another thing to brand as bad.

  • I think you need to apreciate a dark sence of humor. Or maybe take a nap

  • How has this comment not been removed? Even as a "joke" this is appalling. 

  • As an older gay man (and incurable romantic) in these times of smartphone dating apps, I would be very reluctant to do online gay dating and would prefer to meet others in real life situations, as I’m not into the “hookup” culture that younger gay men are so into these days - my autism presents a unique set of problems in the gay dating world as well, given past experiences on the gay scene well before my later in life diagnosis. maybe, as I get older, I’m just too classy to get “down and dirty” with some of the things I’ve seen both online and in real life that are just repulsive and totally inappropriate 

  • but yet sometimes the world needs to burn... it needs people to burn it.

    without all the bad people that did bad things in history, we wouldnt be at this point, we wouldnt have changed, we wouldnt be better. 

    it maybe controversial to say.... but without hitler we may not have had nato and this joint western alliance and this long peace, wed still have fractured changing alliances and constant wars. he was bad, but through his bad we saw and we learned and we got better... it takes a evil action to create a good result it seems.... as einstein said, everything action has a equal and opposite reaction... so to have a greater good, you need first to have a act of greater evil for that greater good to be a reaction of....  like it or not, we need bad guys for good changes in the world.

  • No you shouldn't the forum needs more Malojians ^^