How adult is the adult section allowed to be?

What are the rules around that?

  • I wouldn't myself, be comfortable talking about it in the forums but would PM with my friends instead if it felt right. there is soo much trauma around sex that to draw people into a public thread about it would make many feel vulnerable and exposed, if they were to truly express them selves. Subjects such as rape and gray-area consent while autistic are very hard to parse. Another thing is the extent that such a thead might go swanky or salacious: It only takes one bad player to ruin it and cause undue trauma to others. 

    In short I would balk at such a thread myself.

  • One bad player reporting for duty, sah!

  • huzzah!

    OK sassy pants.

    Let's roll to see who goes first.

    Do we need a pungent master for this?


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