How adult is the adult section allowed to be?

What are the rules around that?

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  • you reported yourself? im questioning you on your brain here mate.... why did you see sexual assault in my joke when sexual assault wasnt in it? .... [edited by moderator]

  • *** that part almost went over my head until i thought back on your accusations and realised that in your head you yourself came up with that.... *** your head took it there, you went that extra distance... *** but you went there... not me... think on it bro.. [edited by moderator]

  • you will have soon if you carry on trying to take a comment and make it out to be what it wasnt just to cause trouble... that is called trolling, and people with brains can see it

  • What do you mean by "you have been warned?" I haven't received any warnings from the moderators during my time on this forum.

  • can we not have users that try to stir stuff up and make things out of nothing when it wasnt that way and they know it wasnt. 

    we have been through this before... the mods dont tolerate trouble stirrers like you, they know you people come to these forums to intentionally wind people up and make something out of nothing, you have been warned.

  • @nas86731 please can we not have comments suggesting kidnap and sexual assault on our forum? Thank you.

  • how has your comment not been removed for being fascist?

    heres a hint, because the fascists lost so we have free speech and humor, ofcourse young generations are slipping back into fascism these days so its like walking on egg shells, you cant have fun your cant make friends your not allowed to be do or say anything without running it through your government overseers to see if its correct? lol

    i mean if we want to go there fine.... lets have the police raid each others house and look for innapropriate content.... oh, you have 50 shades of grey book? sorry thats innapropriate as it depicts bondage and glorifies bad things im not even allowed to spell in this censored state.... oh, any content or books based on the victorian era? sorry thats all banned because it depicts chattel slavery and serfdom.... you will find all of the things you like are dark underneath and if we go full political correct everything you love shall be banned and burned....although if we banned stuff like that we considered bad or depicting anything remotely connected to anything possibly bad... then we lose all definition of what good if anyway and then the good becomes bad... perhaps this is then what causes societal collapse and people turning on one another for little to no reason as the good then attack the good in absence of true bad and in seeking another thing to brand as bad.

  • I think you need to apreciate a dark sence of humor. Or maybe take a nap