Store cards for discounts : supermarkets : Fed up with them

I really hate having to get store cards to save money. For example a supermarket has lots of discounts if only you have their card for example butter is almost £3 but if you dont have their card it is £4.50! they want you to download their app and use it on your phone. I hate all the palaver of that. I am young and of the tech age, I am good with computers, but hate downloading and using apps like that. 

I just go to small independent shops or shops that dont have these discount cards. you know, as they dont "help" me save anyway. 

whats your view. I just think they are stressful  

  • My worst experience of using store cards is if I have gone to the self service tills. I usually do something wrong then it asks for your store card. I try to go to a person where possible, otherwise I come out feeling all embarrassed.

  • I have a similar view of yours. Young can use technology but hate it being forced on me. It's extra pressure in my life which quite frankly I don't need right now!

    I haven't been shopping for months but last time I did my big supermarket had the savings cards which I found really stressful to use especially when the shop staff keep asking me to use it.

  • Hi Astrid,

    It won't surprise people to hear that I HATE HATE HATE the "we'll just harvest your data.....or else we will hurt you financially" which seems ever more unavoidable.

    Car parks are doing the same (shame on NCP)....either you download their app and pay normal price...or you are forced to pay SUBSTANTIALLY more to pay at the machine or by phone or the web.  Shocking.  Tragic.

    I will continue to resist, even if resistance is futile.  I HATE bullies.


  • In fairness, though, I have a Holland and Barrett card. But that's it.

    It's worse in the US, as Stores have their own specific Credit Card. So, there's the debt issue; too.

  • I agree they are a complete palaver and a real pet peeve of mine. I resent having to jump through multiple hoops just to pay a reasonable price for something and at the same time surrendering my right to privacy, and this situation seems to be getting worse with more hoops to jump through more frequently. I guess it shows just how valuable our 'data' is to retailers

  • I get storecards and the apps just for the savings.  For example in Sainsbury's chicken biryani is £2.25 with the card £3.25 without.  I don't know why they call them loyalty cards because I have no loyalty.  I shop everywhere.

  • I don't have a smartphone, but I do have a small collection of loyalty cards for certain stores.

    Now, I am the kind of person who tends to pay for goods with a debit card, and will often purchase items online (using a desktop computer). On the rare occasions that I physically visit a store, I have no issue with retrieving the relevant store card, as it's stored in my purse along with my debit card and any cash.

    I have a Nectar card that I use with Sainsbury's, Argos, and eBay. I also have a Tesco Clubcard, along with a few others that are used less frequently. If using a store loyalty card means I don't have to spend as much on my shopping, then I consider it a good thing.

    If I had a smartphone, then I am sure that I probably would find it a hassle to download the relevant apps, and then to download updates for those apps. One of my son's complaints (he has a smartphone) is that when there is an update for an app, he cannot use the app until he's installed the update. To do that, he sometimes has to go through the palaver of uninstalling other apps to free up space.

  • This reminds me of something that annoyed me earlier today. I had read about autism-hours at some supermarkets so I looked into Sainsbury’s as it is the nearest too me.

    Apparently they have trialled a system in  couple of stores hundreds of miles from me but when I looked up the details it was all about the parents of autistic children being allowed to ask for things like turning in store music off.

    So first they repeatedly make the mistake of thinking autism only affects children then they put the onus on parents to essentially have to make a nuisance of themselves. Grr! Angry

  • People, these days, choose safety, and convenience, over community and connection.

    Ever notice why the news make viewers paranoid? It's because they specifically target the traumatised.