Store cards for discounts : supermarkets : Fed up with them

I really hate having to get store cards to save money. For example a supermarket has lots of discounts if only you have their card for example butter is almost £3 but if you dont have their card it is £4.50! they want you to download their app and use it on your phone. I hate all the palaver of that. I am young and of the tech age, I am good with computers, but hate downloading and using apps like that. 

I just go to small independent shops or shops that dont have these discount cards. you know, as they dont "help" me save anyway. 

whats your view. I just think they are stressful  

  • I have a similar view of yours. Young can use technology but hate it being forced on me. It's extra pressure in my life which quite frankly I don't need right now!

    I haven't been shopping for months but last time I did my big supermarket had the savings cards which I found really stressful to use especially when the shop staff keep asking me to use it.

  • I have a similar view of yours. Young can use technology but hate it being forced on me. It's extra pressure in my life which quite frankly I don't need right now!

    I haven't been shopping for months but last time I did my big supermarket had the savings cards which I found really stressful to use especially when the shop staff keep asking me to use it.

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