
What are some of the things that you do that help you with burnout?

  • Im sorry you have this my auntie had this me i know ho tireing it gets my auntie was lovley as u are 

  • My doctor says resting is healthy for you physically and mentally :) 

    I've got CFS and spend a lot of time in bed now 

  • Thanks Debbie, I'm getting there - don't fancy covid again for a while- well, ever tbh, but working in a school probably makes that unlikely.

    Fireworks are a nuisance, the noise, the dog is terrified of it. I never know if there'll be any, because it depends on nearby holiday lets...

    Christmas and New Year are always bad Neutral face

    I don't really understand why you'd want to go on holiday in rural Cumbria just to make a big noise? It's like they're away, so all usual responsibilities are forgotten! 

    Fireworks are too easy to obtain, imo.

  • I need to learn to do this before I reach burnout. Its a learning curve.

  • That's fair enough and hey if it works for you then that's good in my opinion.

  • Thank you. I'm alright I just over did it and reached burnout I think. 

  • This sounds a lot like what I want to do, thank you. Blush It is hard not to feel bad for it, but that's something I'm working on.

  • This is really helpful, thank you!

  • I'm so sorry to hear that you have to deal with all of that, it is unfair and I hope your situation improves. 

  • I can be similar. Even if I don't actually manage to sleep, I will often feel too drowsy to be capable of doing much.

  • That sounds so peaceful and relaxing

    Enjoy your evening ^^

  • I push myself less, make sure one day at the weekend I do nothing. I avoid crowds and people in general. I am much less tolerant of situations I used to try and get through, I now walk away.

  • At the moment I'm sitting by the fire listening to the rain, the dog's asleep on the sofa, all is calm and peaceful

    That sounds wonderful.

    Unfortunately, I'm listening to fireworks + have been all week.

    It all starts here in town very early sadly.

    I'm glad you are getting better.

    Rest well DogFire

  • Thanks Goosey, I'm off for another week, so I'm able to rest. At the moment I'm sitting by the fire listening to the rain, the dog's asleep on the sofa, all is calm and peaceful- all that I want right now.. Slight smile

  • Honestly, just sleep. Endless sleep. 

    I have been off work since Wednesday night and I have been asleep for at least two full days in that period. I think I sleep to avoid a lot of things, like the war happening or people needing me for things, I can just check out and go to bed. 

    I don't know if this is healthy though, its just what I do. 

  • It sounds like your doing amazing Pegg! ^^ 

    You should be so proud of yourself for doing this it's an amazing achievement

    Make sure you get plenty of rest when you need it and do the things you enjoy so you can relax and unwind espech after a stressful day at work

  • I've recently started working after several years away. I really worry about burnout, based on past experiences. I'm trying to get as much time and solitude into my day as I can, because that helps. At weekends I'm not doing much. I live alone with my dog, so don't have other people to account for outside work- I honestly don't think I could do that as well.

    Apart from being ill with covid, I think I'm coping - I hope so anyway 

  • Rest

    I've read up on it and watched videos and people here said that rest is key to recovering

    Doing things when you feel good but don't push yourself or rush to recover because it will set you back

    I hope your ok Crow Lady :) 

  • I have to make time for myself where I don't do anything, and stop having expectations or feeling guilty that I "should" be doing things. Basically I need to give myself a break and allow myself to get lost in a flow state doing something that I actually want to do, and give my senses and attention span a rest.

    For me this might mean: having a lie in, not having to cook food (eat something frozen I made before), not showering, not getting dressed (just sit in cosy pyjamas), not going out or leaving the house, not doing any cleaning or chores, not doing any work, not talking to anybody.

    Eventually the desire to do something I'm interested in which burnout had extinguished will reignite itself and then I get lost in that one activity, whether it's researching a topic I'm interested in, or playing a video game for 10 hours straight. No task switching or activity changing, just do one thing.

  • The key aim is to reduce demands and expectations placed upon yourself.

    I try to focus on my interests and block everything else out as much as possible.

    If I need to do something I try to set aside plenty of time, knowing in advance that my brain is not functioning as normal.

    Doing only one thing at a time is very important if you're burnt out, as any attempt at multitasking will make things worse.

    Most importantly try and identify the cause and try to do something about it, if it is something you are able to control. 

    Some of what I posted on here recently might also be helpful:
