
What are some of the things that you do that help you with burnout?

  • given that its work that likely causes it for me at the moment, id say just distancing myself from work and taking time off if i can. holidays, sick days whatever.

    demand a shift change which i tried to do but they dont let me and make excuses up why i cant but yet they transfer everyone else for mental reasons like depression but yet totally ignored when i broke down and was clearly depressed and suicidal they still didnt give a toss and keep me on my shift but anyone else claim depression they get moved to better shift but not me for some reason likely because they hate me. also claim they cant transfer me now because its coming to peak time and they cant transfer in peak, but yet they just transferred 3 other workers to other shifts lmao its ridiculous... so yeah its likely the time off sick route in my case. but then likely they will fire me after i do that but anyone else theyd support and help. so yeah if its a situation like mine just even trying to get the rights to be treated like anyone else and given reasonable adjustments and having it refused all the time for no reason just adds to the burnout doesnt it? lol and you play it over and over in your head and ruminate on it... i believe thats also a point too, you have to find a way to ignore and cut it out of your head, but you cant, it will haunt you forever and be stacked on all previous bad treatment while the perpetrator seemingly forgets all previous bad treatment as if they have memory of fish or are willfully ignoring it because combined it doesnt paint a pretty picture of what they are like and what they are doing. so you need to find a way to break the thoughs and erase it and stop this cycling rumination of it, which is easier said than done... so its honestly better off just taking a big long sick break until you feel better.

  • given that its work that likely causes it for me at the moment, id say just distancing myself from work and taking time off if i can. holidays, sick days whatever.

    demand a shift change which i tried to do but they dont let me and make excuses up why i cant but yet they transfer everyone else for mental reasons like depression but yet totally ignored when i broke down and was clearly depressed and suicidal they still didnt give a toss and keep me on my shift but anyone else claim depression they get moved to better shift but not me for some reason likely because they hate me. also claim they cant transfer me now because its coming to peak time and they cant transfer in peak, but yet they just transferred 3 other workers to other shifts lmao its ridiculous... so yeah its likely the time off sick route in my case. but then likely they will fire me after i do that but anyone else theyd support and help. so yeah if its a situation like mine just even trying to get the rights to be treated like anyone else and given reasonable adjustments and having it refused all the time for no reason just adds to the burnout doesnt it? lol and you play it over and over in your head and ruminate on it... i believe thats also a point too, you have to find a way to ignore and cut it out of your head, but you cant, it will haunt you forever and be stacked on all previous bad treatment while the perpetrator seemingly forgets all previous bad treatment as if they have memory of fish or are willfully ignoring it because combined it doesnt paint a pretty picture of what they are like and what they are doing. so you need to find a way to break the thoughs and erase it and stop this cycling rumination of it, which is easier said than done... so its honestly better off just taking a big long sick break until you feel better.
