Outside-the-Box Income Generation

I resigned myself to the fact that I could NEVER hold down a regular job; which would provide a decent wage.

I might resurrect the idea of doing a Podcast. But what to talk about? I'm a Polymath, so tons of s**t interests me.

  • It's good to see you back here Robert.

  • No....I'm afraid not.

    I cannot share to that extent in this place.......and nor would that info add anything to the point I am trying to make above.

    In real terms....I only work for people that i like and I only work on things that grab my interest.  My interest can be grabbed by some very mundane stuff OR some very specialised and intricate stuff.  That's my point.

  • Im interested what this means in real.terma, can you list the jobs you"ce done chronologically?

  • When I read things like this I am mystified, how do you survive without work? If I stopped working now I'd be homeless in two months

  • I've lost count of how many jobs I've had, longest lasted 2 years, shortest a couple of days.

    As soon as I start a job, people notice that there is something off with me and the management realise that they've made a mistake in hiring me and want me out.

  • I don't have the patience or persistence required to do that, and I've failed too many times to want to try it again unassisisted.

    I'm really struggling to get some yo-yo's in the post for someone right now....

  • If I could find a reliable eBay partner to sell my stuff we'd be rich....

    It isn't too difficult to sell in volume on eBay - I sold about £20k in each of the last 2 years of old IT kit from my last employer (I bought their old laptops, broadband routers and comms equipment when they reached 3 years old).

    It takes patience and a lot of trips to the post office but can be very profitable.

  • I might resurrect the idea of doing a Podcast.

    A fairly important aspect to have a successful podcast (other than content) is to have a good speaking voice.

    Many autists have a fairly monotone voice which does not make for stimulating listening so I strongly recommend getting some impartial opinions before puting a lot of effort into the podcast.

    If this turns out not to be an issue then start writing a list of subjects for your first dozen shows - this should tell you faitly quickly if there is enough to keep you going for more than a few shows.

    Research others doing the same thing, steal a few ideas and see where you can stand out as being different.

    Check the revenues available from the process - see if it can make the time spent worth while.

    Get someone to help with the marketing - this is normally way harder than it sounds.

    Good luck

  • By choice, my jobs were always connected with some sort of physical production requiring a great deal of focus to detail.

    This is me.....now.  NT people find it hard to understand why my "jobs" are always so very different.  I take them on based on the FIRST PRINCIPLE skills that I require to do them.....not necessarily the nature or context of the task itself.

    Documenting how I do things, and why, is also important to my "process."

  • It isn't as "minority" as you might think.

  • I could not agree more with your recognition of its demands on ND people. I use to come home feeling thoroughly drained despite my minimalist contact with people throughout the course of a day. By choice, my jobs were always connected with some sort of physical production requiring a great deal of focus to detail. This was my way of coping. As a child I remember my father insisting that I will never go hungry if I gathered as many practical and transferable  skills as I can --- he was right!  Undivided focus on job tasks at hand worked for me. I hope it can also work for you.

  • I've just started working but I already feel like I'm burning out. I'm hoping I'll be OK. But the working world is extremely demanding for people with autism.

  • Different strokes for different folks! We all handle our personal circumstances as best as we can. Have you considered working for yourself?

  • I can't hold down any job. 

    Must be a part of my autism but trying to work absolutely destroys me!

  • I have no doubt that you did..Sweat smile

  • Passive aggressive behavior, emotional or impulsive aggression, emotional bullying, hostility: It is all a matter of degree but I have experienced them all which I did indeed find intimidating, but dealt with it.

  • ‘Shake your tree’. I feel a-little stunned by how intimidating you made that phrase sound..

  •   I'm like a shark needing to swim...I need to work.  I can only do things that interest me, and for people who don't appall me.

    I am in total empathy with that comment. Although I've been regularly employed with a variety of jobs,and a  few with large corporations before eventually working for myself to step out of that rat race. I have never been a team player. I've been fortunate to find positions I was able to fulfill on a solitary basis. I never fitted in with an "in crowd" having been used to being treated as the "odd one". As long as I was able to be productive to my superiors satisfaction all went well until some smart-***/ass --- every crowd has one --- decides to "shake my tree" That's when things turn nasty. I'm 6' tall and weigh 17 stone, and don't trolerate any of that sort of unnecessary nonsense. I will say no more in that regard. 

    My interests ar wide but short, sharp. to the point, as I get easily bored, unless my attention is grabbed requiring undivided focus. I abhor influencers. To my experience they are usually obnoxious, egocentric, aggressive types who are to be avoided. That may be just my own bad luck to have met such types. Perhaps they gravitate to me viewing me as some sort of challenge?

    I find social networking very false, and petty which is why I do not participate. I view podcasting as part of that unless a recognised professional has something to say --- then I listen!  My comments are not meant to discourage. I only add them as part of the rich tapestry of viewpoints. If persueing that game is anyones "bag" go for it. My minority opinion is just that and should be taken with a pinch of salt so good luck and God speed in your persuit of whatever it is you may think you are persuing.

  • Desmond,

    I rejected the concept of a "normal" job being viable for a character like mine after about 3 years of trying a couple of that type.  I haven't had a "job" since 1999.

    I'm always working though....sometimes paid...often not.  I'm like a shark needing to swim...I need to work.  I can only do things that interest me, and for people who don't appall me.

    I get by.  I am blessed to find enough people, and enough interesting stuff, to keep my head above the sewage.

    My strengths are mighty......as are my weaknesses.  I have to get all my "dials" right and have people willing to "bear with me" whilst I fight a demon or two and twiddle with those dials.  It is interesting to me who can extend me that courtesy.....and why they are bothered to do so.

    A podcast is a fair idea for keeping yourself occupied, although I fear that - ultimately - you and your personality then become a commodity.  I would worry of casting pearls etc.

    In terms of what you could do on that podcast (as a polymath)....well there's the rub!  What indeed!  There is beauty and interest to be had from disjointed and random splatterings of knowledge...but that's just my opinion..and it doesn't seem to be shared!

    If you do make it big on the influencer scene, I do hope you will keep in touch with us mortals at NAS.

    Happy Sunday mate.


  • I was in a toxic place over 11 years where was bullied and horrified what I saw. Still getting nightmares and flashbacks. Wanted to stay. There has been loads of changes. 

    Now I help with the community where do different things.

    People don't understand and think everyone should be making a living. Relative and partner coming over next month and staying nearby. Keep on explaining what I'm doing these days. They have daft ideas to plan for my future. Example is to send me a cheque so I can do a residential training course or hiking holiday. I'd rejected the offer. Also paid my rare pension contributions to up. Basically giving money away.

    Everytime I want to do something and family keep on saying no. My former pen friend made a big mistake. 

    People say to me carry on what I'm doing.