Quirks :)

I started keeping a list of some of my quirks because I find them amusing Slight smile so I thought I'd share some of mine, you can add your own ones to the thread below if you feel like it: 

- I can't touch hangers - they freak me out.

- certain kinds of pasta are WRONG.

- particular bowls in my kitchen are for specific things (pasta, cereal) and cannot be mixed up.

- I haven't worn underwear since the pandemic.

  • I can't figure out how someone wees with the lid down? Doesn't the wee go all over the floor? I'm all ears if you're up for explaining! 

  • I give everything a gender, so everything is a he or a she. I don't know why. I talk to any animal - dogs especially - but I have no interest in talking to their owners. The owners don't always like that though! 

  • I am sure I read once that King Charles does this.

    You are in good company Prince

  • It is indeed.

    It's good to know I am not alone in this.

  • I will talk to any animal apart from humans (when I can avoid it). 

    I also talk to myself a lot and I talk to inanimate objects.

    I feel that inanimate objects have a life and feelings and I respect them.

    I can identify with these things. I regularly chat to plants too, including trees. 

  • I have to wee with the lid down because i heard splashing spreads germs. Flushed

  • Me too. A full cupboard of mugs and an extra cupboard to hold the guilt I feel when I think about getting rid of some!

  • Oh! I also have prophetic dreams sometimes. Spooky but amazing isn't it. 

  • I suspect quite a few things listed here (ie this thread) and that I experience are to do with OCD, so I'll try to avoid those but just say some other 'odd' things about me.

    There are quite a few - I could describe my late mother, then there would be LOADS.

    So... I have butterfly chrysalids in my study that I talk to.  Once the butterflies emerge, I will have longer conversations.

    They don't reply, sadly.

    I will talk to any animal apart from humans (when I can avoid it). 

    I also talk to myself a lot and I talk to inanimate objects.

    I feel that inanimate objects have a life and feelings and I respect them.

    If I throw something down the staircase I feel as though I'm going down with it and it makes me dizzy (I'm not talking about breakable objects here, I'm not that wierd).

    I can close my nose so that I can't smell anything (ie inside) and I can close my ears so that I can't hear anything (ie inside).

    With regard to my ears, I had a hearing test once and the chap said he could see what I was doing with his tech and had never seen anyone do that before.

    I once had a nosebleed out of my eyes (confirmed via hospital).

    All my clothes are grey or blue.  I sometimes buy white clothes and dye them grey.

    All my clothes are in season, colour and size order in my wardrobe with mostly grey hangers.

    I type lists of all tasks including a weekly table with daily tasks which is updated every couple of days for both of us.

    I also have long-term tasks lists, a cleaning rota and shopping lists.

    I've had quite a few paranomal, psychic and prophetic experiences.

    That'll do for now.  There is too much more to add!

  • Lol. I dont think Emma has anything to worry about!

    My big beard and tattoos really worked the outfit Joy

  • I'm sure you made a very fetching Baby Spice! 

  • That makes sense. The only time i have worn womens underwear was a fancy dress party (i went as baby spice), and they were not comfy at all. Also being a male they didnt always contain my modesty. I definitely flashed people!!!!!

  • I have certain cutlery I can't use in my own house. It's somehow infiltrated my proper cutlery - probably from one of many house moves or accidentally bringing things home from other places. Even in other peoples houses I'll have strong cutlery preferences (eg. I will be given a 'wrong' fork) but I try not to say anything and get on with it so I don't make people uncomfortable. 

  • The stopping wearing underwear in the pandemic...I think it was partially being thrown into full time home work, I just wasn't getting dressed much (still don't!) also women underwear just isn't that comfy! I didn't like how it always digs in and leaves marks and feels too tight. So I decided I am done with the underwear life and now I just wear tights or leggings - I don't wear short skirts so I haven't flashed anyone! 

  • I love this! Everyone should have a happy dance.

  • I rarely use the same mug; for tea. At the moment, I have six mugs; in total. (I used to have thirteen 6/7 years ago)

    I have too many mugs to fit in the cupboard. I have loved them all and don't want to get rid of them because it seems unkind and unfair to them. I only ever use one mug at a time and I've just got a new one. It may be months or years before I get another one. 

  • I rarely use the same mug; for tea. At the moment, I have six mugs; in total. (I used to have thirteen 6/7 years ago)

  • I'm one of those people who has strong opinions on how to load a dishwasher and loads it up very precisely and efficiently like I'm building a rocket for NASA.

    We also have some cutlery in our house with chunky handles and some with thin handles. I can't use a chunky knife with a thin fork (or vice versa) because it makes me feel lopsided.

    You're right about the bowls, by the way. One type for cereal, another type for pasta. It just feels wrong to use them for different things.

  • I love this list of Quirks Autumn Trees. 

    Does the not wearing underwear link with the pandemic, or a coincidence? 

    I guess mine is, i can only use certain cutlery. If it is wrong i wont use it. 

    I have to use alternating pens on alternating days. Blue/Black/Blue/Black. When one runs out i keep the empty shell and replace it with two, until my pencil case cant fit any more in. Then i have to deplete it until empty and start again. The whole process takes years. 

    Cups have to match if someone is having tea with me. 

    People cant use my pens. If they do i must wash them with soap. My colleagues know my pens are marked and to stay away. I even have decoy pens on my desk for those tea leafs in the office. 

    My food cant touch. 

    I cant open new socks until my old ones have 'run out'. 

    Oh my. I have just realised there are many. I could go on but i'll stop now!!!!

  • I do a little dance when I'm happy. That's the only quirk I can think of right now.