
Does anyone have any advice on how I can deal with my meltdown, my brain has basically been malfunctioning and I literally feel useless atm.

  • Sorry to hear you're struggling. You're not useless - you are just going through a lot and it's ok to need to take breaks to let your brain rest and recover from meltdowns and trauma.

    Take it one day at a time and don't push yourself. You'll get there. You are doing really well.

  • I’m at the exact same place at the moment and I’m coming to the realisation I can’t do certain things and thats okay and I’m trying to stop beating myself up about it. Your comment was very helpful thanks, have a lovely week x

  • Hi I had to delete my original reply as I made an embarrassing typo. You’re very right though, a lot of naps and dark rooms helps lots and I will try to be more gentle with myself thank you for your help it’s nice to know people understand and I’m not on my own.

  • It wasn’t too bad thank you, I hope your weekend was good too. I will keep this link as a reminder, I really appreciate your help.

  • That’s actually perfect advise, thank you.

  • I have stopped pushing myself so hard. I have to accept that i cant do as much as i used to if i want to stay well. I am doing more simple things that i enjoy. No day is the same. Take each day as it comes. Its not easy when you are used to doing so much. X

  • Hi Coco - Hope you have been able to enjoy the weekend somewhat Slight smile I was sorry to read about how you have been feeling lately and thought this link to a page on our site about autistic fatigue and burnout might be useful?  https://www.autism.org.uk/advice-and-guidance/topics/mental-health/autistic-fatigue  

    Hope that helps in some way,


  • I find dealing with them hard too. It's okay to be useless for a while. I am also exploring how to support myself in a meltdown, trying to give a go to all options. I found so far that sleeping helps a lot, calm fairly dark place. Enjoying a delicious meal, watching something funny. Taking a bath hut it's too hot for that now. Playing with soil/sand or self-massage.. I also sometimes have no energy at all to do anything other than lying down and staring st the ceiling for two days or so before I have the energy to explore anything.. it's ok.. the most important thing is to be understanding to your needs and gentle with yourself 

  • I wish I had better advice but they are tough to deal with- try surrounding yourself with things that bring you comfort and take time to rest without the pressure to bounce back- there is lots of external pressure that I find can worsen meltdowns so focus on getting yourself better.

    hope you’re doing okay