What's on your bucket list?

I'm in a dreamy mood, idk what that means but I know that I would like to read what you have in your bucket list? Dreams? Doesn't have to be achievable.

I want to see every place in the world, taste each food, hear every language.

I want to live for a while in a jungle with tribal community, like real tribe that doesn't eat human meat. They could give me a tattoo in their very old tools and teach me something about nature.

I want to live near the coast, have a garden and few animals.

I want to visit Mars.

I want to write a book that influences people and make positive change in the world.

Can't remember the rest of my dreams at the moment, please tell me yours 

I have just realised that the discussion exists before. Sorry for the repetition. I'll just go there and read the bucket lists

  • No! But it's added to the list!

  • buy a bucket i suppose is first lol

    realistically speaking, my plans as they are right now are;

    1) pay off mortgage early somehow, likely by crypto gains in 2024 or 2025.

    2) save up enough money in the bank over time to support retirement gap of the time i retire to reach the state pension age which will be 70 years old by the time i can claim my pension, so if i retire at age 50 i would need around 10k per year and thats 20 years so id need 200k to retire at age 50 in order to only just reach state pension age. so the amount of money you save in your bank is integral to how your retirement will look, with 100k in that sense you can retire at age 60 and just scrape by to the 70 year state pension age... shows how impossible it is for a standard working class to actually be able to retire especially considering working class usually die in their mid 60s anyway lol

    3) probably buy a ps5 soon or something...

    yeah, i dont really have much id want to do in life lol

    although theoretically, if i won the lottery and money wasnt a thing my list would look more like everyone elses fantasy lists that arnt judged by capability...

    if i won the lottery and money wasnt a figure it would be like this.

    1) have lots of holidays, probably travel to japan and experience their culture in a super long years long holiday there.

    2) buy a yacht, enjoy living out of a yacht on the wild coasts.

    3) buy a better property in a better area, maybe in the lake district somewhere, maybe also in scotland beside a sea loch with my own jetty to tie my yacht to.

    4) pay for my parents to retire and move down cornwal like they wanted to.

    5) offer to pay for my sister and her family to move down there too if they wanted to.

    6) probably buy myself a place close by there too so i can stay close to family.

    7) maybe buy a canal boat and experience canal living life too.

    not sure what else, probably still get depressed no matter what happens in your life though or no matter what you do.

  • Hi they are about the history of my local airport. One a general history and one more specific about WW2 era. Probabably sold around 3000 all in and got' book of the month' in one of the aviation magazines. I had a lot of free time then (2012-2017) but it was a labour of love. Consequently I am not the airports go to guy on historical stuff and have represented them in planning enquires. It is the only thing that I can say my ASD actually helped on. Loved spending days at the National Archives and really digging deep in stuff. 

    I would say it helped that I had been reading books on planes since I could read, its all I read really apart from 20th century history. First book I am not proud of as the publisher was a night mare and didn't get it proof read. My spelling and grammar are awfull and that shows. Went to a friend for the second book and very proud of that one. Was going to do a follow up but my friend passed away last year so don't have a publisher.

    I think you have to have a massive passion for the subject to get you through the times that writing is difficult. My dad was into planes too and when he took me to the airport as a kid that was my happy place as I wasn't bullied there and the adults were nice to me. So writing a book about my happy place was a real passion.


  • I know someone who loves their Mazda Bongo campervan.  It seems you can get one for between £3-5K.

  • Yes that would be fascinatong to see too!

  • Did you get any Beer? 

  • I think that could be the case. I don’t have the money to buy a smallholding in Cornwall though, so it’s not a problem I’m likely to experience! I’ve had some incredible holidays there though, and it’s meant so much to me and my family over the years.

    Right now I’m missing it. I’ve had a rotten day today and considered escaping down there for a few days, but it’s half term and I hate places when they’re busy in the school holidays. Otherwise I’d be in the car tomorrow morning and heading down there. 

  • I have the campervan there too!. I was checking them earlier today 

  • I share a very similar dream. But that's all it is.

    I can tell you all about the other side of having a cosy smallholding in Cornwall. My mate did that. For the first twenty years or so you are not welcomed seemed to be their experience

  • What a lovely post. I love the sound of your bucket list. 
    I’ve had a bad day and it’s nice to think of these wonderful things. 
    I’ve always dreamed of travelling and having an adventure in really wild places. I always wanted to visit the Himalayas and Tibet, and go and meet the Dalai Lama in India. 
    I’d like to have a small campervan and travel all about for months and months without having to return home at all, just to be really free to go anywhere when I want. 
    live also always dreamed of having a cosy cottage in Cornwall with an open fire and  a view of the sea. 

  • Thank you Number Slight smile. I'll do more info dumping from now on then!

  • 2 books? Impressive. I find writing only one such a big deal. Mainly, not sure how form my experience into something useful to the world. Still figuring that out. Can I ask what are they about?

  • I hope you get to do them all :)

  • Apart from being able to retire ASAP and move to a cheaper area, which is in our plans , almost everything on my list involves my obsession of aircraft, airports, aircraft museums etc. Off to the worlds biggest airshow in the US in July, been wanting to go there since I was a kid. Wan't to go the Russia (but not until there are big changes obviously) and some other places in the US. Retiring to Spain was on the list but Brexit screwed that. Would also love to go to nashville and listern to country music. 

    I have achieved some things on my list, had two books published, managed to avoid having kids, and amazingly managed to make most people think I am 'normal' too LOL!

  • Great question btw. 

    In no particular order: 

    1) Maybe be brave enough to travel a bit further afield than around Scotland. Not to a lot of places but have a few in mind, including France. 

    2) Learn some French 

    3) I would love to work on some more creative projects, and would like to turn those ambitions into something significant. 

    4) to form better relationships: forge some new  friendships, maybe even be able to meet up with a few past friends. and well, one more thing under that category.

    5) learn how to cook a few more dishes. 

    6) Read more books

    7) Keep striving for a simple yet happy life. 

    8) Finish my masters 

    9) to be able to do some volunteering .

  • I have to consider my answer to this as nowadays I'm mostly ticking stuff off that used to be on it at a steady pace anyway. I'll go away and think about it...

  • I'm sorry too Ree. I'll choose "let sleeping dogs lie." Bye. Number

  • I'm choosing the lights are on but nobody's home. And with that I shall derail this thread no further. Sorry Ree!

  • Well....I'm choosing what Google is suggesting.....so....., all that glitters is not gold, a picture is worth a thousand words, all good things come to an end, beggars can't be choosers, a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush, actions speak louder than works.

    And a fun fact to finish......If I wasn't Number, I would have been Idioma - which means peculiar phraseology.  Rather apt I think.  I love a bit of ancient Greek me !

    With kindest regards and assuring you of my best intentions towards you at all times,


  • Hey mate - anyone who introduces me to "The Dancing House" is worth their weight in gold to me.

    You are very welcome.