Small Talk

I hate small talk. I hate that I can't grasp it. I hate how people randomly foist it on me. What's up with that!? I've been online shopping since Covid19 started but I decided to get out and give a small shop ago. It went ok. I was anxious but I coped and then came the till...... the woman started talking to me like we were good friends.... said about the weather, Christmas, even her cat Boris! I feel drained now. I feel an idiot for being unable to participate in her small talk. All I said was yes, no... mmm... Small talk, one of life's little mysteries.

  • Try to ask.. I'm always saying "how" and keep repeating it.. JoyLool

  • Awesome man. I've never been much good at it but I get what you're saying about people who go on and on. Times like that I wish I could press a silent button hahaha.

  • I think this is why it's such hard work. Brain is trying to figure all that out quick when it can't do it and all the while the conversation starter keeps on going. The poor brain. Frazzled and burnt out.

  • Don't blame you man I need to start doing that. After small talk and any kind of social interaction I'm wrecked from the trying to process everything and the masking that comes with it.

  • I don't like it and I don't enjoy it. I taught myself to do it in my 20s, as a misguided attempt to fit into the workplace. On the outside I may be smiling and nodding. However on the inside every fibre of my being is screaming "how can I escape this conversation" Anguished

    Since my diagnosis I engage less and less in any small talk, since it is masking which I do not want to continue doing. In shops I just nod and don't even attempt a reply. I find that wearing visible headphones or earbuds / earplugs can act as an effective deterrent to any attempts at small talk.

  • Omg small talk is a nightmare! I've never been able to do it. It's like a contest where the other person tries to fit the events of the last month in to the conversation in under a minute lol.

  • I can do small talk, I don't particularly enjoy it, but I can do it. I feel social pressures very intensely, so if making inane remarks is required, then I make inane remarks.

  • Requires allot of effort to dumb down when your brain is desperately grasping for stimulation. Go away dopamine vampire lol

  • Drives me up the wall, I loathe conversations stating the obvious I find it dull and a waste of time. I come across as rude when I pull away but i genuinely find it painful, my head starts to hurt, and this horrible sense of forced obligation make me feel uncomfortable. Now if people expanded on a small talk topic wonderful but people don't. In fact, it makes me incredibly annoyed and maybe that's not normal but it's me.

  • Small talk is far from small. It's all talk and not easy to get away from. I've never been any good at it.

  • I'm not too bad with Small Talk, but those who go on and on drive me insane. 

  • Why do they call it small talk, it requires huge amounts of effort, they mention 2 or 3 topics in one  ao you have to work out which one to reply to, what order, do you then carry on with some topics yourself, if so how many, should they relate to the ones the other person talked about?  It's no wonder we can't reply. 

  • One team member in the coop saying she woke up at 4am, as her daughter was staying with her. Sometimes I'm a zombie in the morning and keep on going. 

    Another person kept on asking me questions about my life, who hardly know and thought I must get home.